What an Odd Weekened

Jul 05, 2005 08:22

This was truly an odd weekend.

Work was great. I was assigned to debug a program I'd never seen written in a language I don't know. Now normally this would send me into a rage (esp. since the language is .NET *gag*) but I managed to in about 15 minutes get further than anyone else had in the last few weeks. Pretty slick if I do say so myself. I was also called into the "bosses" office (the traditional idea of a boss really doesn't exist here but that's a babble for another time). So my manager brings me in and closes the door. Always a scary thing. I always assume I'm in trouble. Maybe it is because I used to always be in trouble as a kid. But nope, not trouble. A 3.5% raise!!! WOOT!!! Based on merit!!! WOOT!!! So that was very very very good. Then I slept over Peg's house and finished up the printing I needed to do for the CDs for Tara's wedding.

Ran my errands, talked to my "aunt" (Mom's best friend) who stopped by Peg's and then went home. Didn't do much Friday night. Mostly chilled at home and relaxed. Started watching Angels in America. It was a subdued and pleasant Friday night.

Chatted with a bunch of people. Did a TON of cleaning. Actually organized my life a bit. It was nice. Finished watching Angels in America. It was very good. I really liked it alot.

I started working on some good design docs for pySleuth. I actually made some great progress. I got component diagrams and message sequence diagrams and really feel like I'm starting to understand what this program is internally. Which is good since it is in fact my brain child. That's when the day got shitty. I got an email from Chris telling me he didn't want to date anymore. An email!!! That pissed me off. So I was on a bit of a tear after that.

Then the roommates came home and started pregaming for going out. They were going to some club in Quincy. F* that. But I did drink with them a bit. I figured a binge would do me good. There were jello shots involved and so with 4 of those and 2 run & cokes (poured by me!) in about an hour I was quite tipsy. That's when I realized I hadn't eaten dinner. So they went to Quincy and the drunk dialing and IMing began. Such a bad/good idea. I had some really odd conversations with people. Talked to my mother drunk. Always fun. Also talked to M.A. for quite a while. Admitted to her that I once had quite the crush on her and seriously considered being with her. It was odd to say. Also apologized a million times for being the shit head I was last year. This also prompted a message to Anne about loving her. Man I was a super big shit to Anne and M.A. That shit ain't right! I try not to beat myself up about it and they have both been very forgiving and generous about it all, but I never did learn how to forgive myself for the pain I cause. That's something else I need to learn how to do.

So just as my drunk was turning melancholy (and the infinite sadness) and I was being super emotional, the roommates then came home because Quincy sucked as I predicted. Jess was like "We are going to An Tua Nua to dance. Get dressed you aren't sitting in this house." So I put on my new pants (FINALLY found the right pants. On a military clothing site of all places. Apparently these are the pants I would wear were I to jump out of a plane at night on a covet op. But instead I wear them to dance my ass off) and my beige form-fitting shirt (YAY @ getting into tighter clothes) and we went out. I had another jello shot and a shot of 99 berries for the road which picked me back up. Plus we had red bull and vodka at the bar. *HATES red bull* An Tua Nua was dead as was Tequila Rain. It was Sunday afterall. So we decided to go to gay night at Avalon. HAHAHA!!! It was too funny. Danced my butt off and checked out the hotties. It was amazing. Reminded me why I hate gay people. Soooo stereotypical. I don't believe in Gay culture, but that's a rant for another day as well.

After that we came home and this dude Tim that I've been talking to for a while was online. So I had a booty call. It was a fitting end to the night of "F* You I am the Master of my own Happiness!"

Moving even a little was a difficult process. I really didn't want to do it for some time. But Craig made pancakes because he lost the bet with Jess. WOOT! Then after laying around all morning, I talked with Chris. It was a tough conversation to have but I am so glad I did. We actually were at the same place. We sort of jumped into things head first and then both were scared to death of it. It wasn't fun anymore. It was stressful. And though we both very much enjoyed the time we spent together it wasn't building anything lasting. So we called it quits. In a very amicable way. I am actually very relieved and happy. That whole deal was stressing me the hell out. So we are doing so much better. We had the initial conversation on IM because we are both gutless, but then when we talked on the phone it felt so much better. We are going to hang out this week and do the friend thing. That makes me incredibly happy. I really like him in that I think he is an amazing person. It is so rare to find normal, fun gay guys. It will be good to have one around. I see this as the beginning of a beautiful friendship :-D

I then went with the roomies to the BC kids BBQ. It was a lot of fun. Those kids are a lot of fun. Jeb just cracks me up to no end. And Scott was amazing on the grill. He kept basting things with beer. Then we went to the park and played wiffle ball. I went 4/4 at the plate. I am amazing!!! Then we came home and I made the mistake of sitting down. This took all the wind out of my sails. So I skipped on the firework and laid in the living room talking to Jared. Then I went to bed so I wouldn't hate myself today.

So I don't hate myself today. I actually feel ok. A little tired, but generally jolly. The coffee is kicking in. In reflecting on this weekend I realized how happy I truly am with life right now. With us resigning the lease, my getting extended and Chris and I not dating anymore all my stress is gone. I should be getting my account info from NEU soon and then I can register for classes. The director of my program invited me to come visit the department and meet people and what not. I may do that this Friday since I have it off. (YES!!! Never working a Friday again!!!) My Mom just called to sign me up for slave labor at my sister's again. Seems they need a new fence now that they are getting a pool so I have been volunteered to do this with my brother-in-law. Should be fun. That's how I spent my 4th weekend last year. Putting in a walkway with him. So I think that is how I will spend my last 2 weekends in July. I will likely be payed in alcohol. YAY!!! Ok, time to end this mega-post. Man I love life! WOOT!!!

Stone please explain
Why your silence makes more noise than thunder
Bones; is it sane
To obey me and the flesh you're under
                - Iron Flower by K's Choice
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