Dumb people ruin good causes

Sep 12, 2005 15:21

This article talks about how a proponent of Gay Marriage in Massachusetts has vowed to post the name and address of anyone who signs the petition to ban gay marriage on the internet.

This is totally ludicris. I can't even begin to voice my disagreement with this and give it proper vehemence. What in the hell does this accomplish? This does not change the hearts or minds of anyone. It just further pushes you to the fringe. How is this any different from special interests groups and soft money that everyone bitches about? This is not what the framers had in mind kids. The whole point of secret ballot is to discourage this sort of behavior. Americans are supposed to vote with their beliefs. That's what makes this country great. The fact that the psycho Bible thumper can be heard as loud and clearly as the flamin homo. Is the system perfect? NO! Is this the answer? HELL NO!

When I was in undergrad the gay group on campus used to do blue jean day during one of the weeks that celebrates gayness. There were two for some reason. They would declare a day Blue Jean day but not advertise it. Then that day they'd put up signs saying that today was Blue Jean day. Wear blue jeans to support gay issues. Now of course everyone was already dressed for the day by the time they saw these. Oh and low and behold most of campus was wearing blue jeans. How odd! BECAUSE EVERYONE FUCKING WEARS JEANS ON THE AVERAGE DAY! That isn't helping. That's not support. I would purposefully wear black sweatpants that day. Why? Because I thought they were stupid. The random dude wearing jeans because that's what didn't smell when he woke up this morning isn't supporting you anymore today than he was yesterday. You haven't done anything to garner understanding. If anything you've pissed people off by making them seem to support you when they don't.

Scare tactics is not going to change the mind of anyone. MAYBE you can scare enough people to stop the issue from getting put on a ballot, but that's not a real victory. The issue will continue to come back again until the minds and hearts of Americans are changed. So let's stop attacking people and work to try and affect positive change. GOD!

And while I'm on the issue of ballots let me just say. IT BELONGS ON THE BALLOT! Gay Marriage like all marriage is a burden on tax payers. Whether it is a right or privilege or what the fuck ever, it is my money we are talking about. When more people are allowed to marry it affects everyone's bottom line. Marriage tax breaks means higher taxes elsewhere to make up the difference. Not to mention business having to pay more in insurance premiums for covered partners so they cover less of all employees, etc etc etc. So when the issue affects MY bottom line, guess who should have a say in the issue? ME!

This issue is a state issue and should be voted on by the people of the state. If Alabama can pass a ban on gay marriage by 75% then gay people shouldn't marry in Alabama. And if you don't like that, LEAVE ALABAMA!!! Hmmm... by the people. That sounds familiar.

Man I get so worked up about this stuff. I don't care really who wins the vote. Gay people can marry or not (by the way, I kiss boys). It matters not to me at all. But the people have a right to make this decision. It is a legal distinction and it affects everyone in the country so it should be voted on by everyone in the country. If you want to vote no because your God says it is bad, fine. If you want to vote yes because you think it is a basic human right, fine. If you want to vote no because you are a miser and it will cost you an extra $0.04 a year, fine. And if you want to play eenie meenie minie moe, fine. Just do not take away my right to vote on issues that affect me with your holy crusade. You are no different than the Bible thumpers you are waging this war against. You all think you are right and are willing to be ignorant assholes to prove it.

Let the system do its work. It isn't perfect, but it is better than letting the bigger, louder and more annoying win all the time. Which IS what you people are forwarding with this little prank.

Also, couldn't help but notice a lack of email or something on their site for people to get a hold of them and voice their opinions on the matter. Not that I can't find them if I want to, but they should make it easy for me. If you are going to be this controversial then you have to allow people to yell back at you. Ala, LJ comments ;-)
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