Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.
1. Who was your best friend?
my senior year, i was my own best friend. and allie. she stuck by me through all of it.
2. What sports did you play?
i didn't.
3. What kind of car did you drive?
a 94 chevy corsica. i totally dig that car. stupid brother taking my car because i came to ireland.
4. It's Friday night, where were you at?
probably at the movies, rehearsal for a play, or on a date with yet another guy who will turn out to be just right... for someone else.
5. Were you a party animal?
not really. i would stay out late a lot, but nothing really too out there. my rebellion was always in my head.
6. Were you considered a flirt?
7. Ever skip school?
me? never. ahem. yeah.
9. Were you a nerd?
i was a drama geek and an art nerd. but, much to part of myself's dismay, i refused science and math although they were previously my best subjects.
10. Did you get suspended/expelled?
almost. still remember that fateful afternoon that i just threw away the yellow slip instead of going to the student advisor's office. never got called again.
11. Can you sing the Alma Mater?
um... FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! that's all i remember.
12. Who was your favorite teacher?
ms. rhodes. definitely. she's the one that made me realize that i actually could be a writer, and i didn't have to be a doctor. ms. whitty was always great for a good talk as well.
13. Favorite class?
english and drama
14. What was your school's full name?
George Washington High School
15. School mascot?
the patriots. a big green footprint.
16. Did you go to Prom?
17. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
if i could take it out of my life without erasing two or three important people, i would. i was miserable, defensive, weak ... and it took getting away from all of that for me to come into my own. i found the entire high school experience very discriminatory and suffocating. then again, i wouldn't be who i am without the need to wriggle free from the restraining dynamic that was the result of putting a bunch of smart white kids into the same classes. i wasn't like them, and so suffered silently. i was close with one or two people, and the rest never cared to know who i was when i was at home. their loss now. but would i do it over or differently? i don't think so. i fear it'd be a little like the time toaster from the simpsons. although a rain of donuts would be nice once in a while, i love my life too much now to ever say never.
18. What do you remember most about graduation?
a strange guy giving me a letter.
19. Favorite memory of your Senior Year?
the miss firecracker contest. that was the most fun i ever had putting on a play.
20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall?
i don't know what that means.
21. did you have a job your senior year?
yup. i worked on and off at presbyterian st. luke's and later transferred to rose medical center.
22. Who did you date?
senior year... who didn't i date? let's leave the names in the ground where they belong.
23. Where did you go most often for lunch?
the drama room when we weren't banned. i spent some lunches on my own reading.
24. Have you gained weight since then?
oh for sure. i wasn't healthy then, in many ways.
25. What did you do after graduation?
directly after? i just went home with my parents. i read some stuff given to me. i still have that letter. why is it that high school boys thought i wanted to know how pretty i was when i felt pretty much under the ground?
a few months later, i moved away and never came back.
26. When did you graduate?