ARG!!! and no im not a pirate im upset :-)
July 19 2005, 09:14:29 UTC
caisa have you ever heard of updating?!? yeah b/c your in some serious need of it and im not leaving you another cool comment until you do.. ps dont forget to mention the window that was dang cool man....
Comments 2
Whats goin on
Im a cool kid
I know you miss me
We need to play
Very soon
Im really tired
Your watching the notebook
Your live journal entertained me
for like 20 mins
But now i feel as if
I cant possibly read more
Without fallins asleep
On the Keybord
And then i would wake up
With asdf imprinted on my face
And that would totally not be cool
For a cook kid like me
So yeah this is comming to an end
I have spent like 5 mins writing this
But i have enjoyed every min
i dont know why i am writing like this
I normally dont
But consider this a special treat
Just for you
Because you are special
I sat Next to a drunk guy at the movies
his birthday is thursday
He is going to be 27
I will gladly tell you more on this story
If you please at a later time in life
Hopefully i will see you b4 auburn
Much love caisa
Much Love
The Cool Kid
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