Book in a day :-)

Jan 21, 2010 13:12

Yesterday I managed to read a whole book from start to finish. It's been a while since I read like this, I used to take two books out of the school library every day, read them that night and take them back the next day.

Book 6 of 2010 - When I Was Five I Killed Myself - Howard Buten
20/01/10 - 20/01/10
This is this month's book club book and I knew it was tricky to get hold of. It seemed to take an age to get my hands on a copy. The local library had heard of neither the book nor the author. All searches for it were completely fruitless. In the end I got it off Amazon Marketplace, but the first copy I tried ordering got cancelled for some reason so I had to try again.

While I was waiting for it, I did a little bit of reading reviews. Normally I don't like to look at reviews of books. Invariably someone will say something which will turn you off from the book you've chosen, or you'll hear something negative about your favourite books. I'm a glutton for punishment. I'll still check out what people are saying, but I usually wait until I've read the book myself before I see what people think. Plus there's a risk of learning spoilers about the book before you've actually read it.

But I couldn't find out much about When I Was Five I Killed Myself, so I checked out the reviews on Amazon. It seemed to get a lot of good reviews, which made me wary. I know, it's silly, but I always half expect books that everyone seems to like to be more hype than actual good writing.

I was wrong. I don't know why I didn't think I would like it, but I did. It reminded me of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower in the way that the story came out gradually. In The Perks Of Being A Wallflower it was because the character didn't really remember what had happened to him, in When I Was Five I Killed Myself the truth gradually came out as Burt told his story.

I also loved the way the story was told. Burt's voice was great. I wasn't sure that I would get into it, but it was really believable as an eight year old talking. It was one of those books that I really struggled to put down because I really wanted to know what had happened to cause him to be put into the Children's Trust Residence Center.

Now I'm onto From Dead To Worse. This one's gone back to Bon Temps and is back to dealing with vampires (though I'm sure there will be other supernaturals cropping up soon enough). Dad's borrowing Dead Until Dark so I'm curious to see what he'll think of it. I did give him a proper lecture last night about how he was supposed to look after my book. He mustn't get anything on the pages, he mustn't bend the cover or the spine. It's kind of ironic considering the fact that I'm perfectly happy sending a book round the country, through eighteen pairs of hands, but I can't trust my father with a single book. And he's in the same house! I can check up on him!

Also, I must remember to take A Long Way Down back to the library. It's not due back until next week, but I keep on forgotting, so if I don't remember to take it back this week, I don't stand a chance of remembering next week.

Someone remind me. Please. ;-D

books, reading

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