I actually finished this one a couple of days ago, but I've been super busy with work (which is pretty much the main reason that I finished it when I did as a large portion of my work involves sitting and pressing buttons then waiting for things to happen so you can press more buttons).
Book 7 of 2010 - Dead To The World - Charlaine Harris
21/01/10 - 26/01/10
Did anyone spot my *ahem* deliberate mistake in my last post? No? Good, because neither did I until two or three days after I posted it, when I had a minor heart attack because I thought I was reading the seventh book in the Southern Vampire series, rather than the fourth one. Oops. I was wrong, of course. The book I was reading was Dead To The World the one I kept saying I was reading is From Dead To Worse - I seem to have this weird problem with words with 'W' at the beginning, I'm forever muddling up Silent Witness, Waking The Dead and Without A Trace, I blame the Ws!
Anyway. I really enjoyed the fact that this one brought us back to Bon Temps. I loved Amnesiac!Eric and the way that things gradually unravelled, as things seem to do in the Charlaine Harris books. I like the way that you learn little bits of information which slowly come together to reveal what the mystery is. And I did kind of miss Bill. I kind of have a soft spot for him, though that may purely be because of the True Blood TV series, rather than his character in the book.
I've also noticed something, looking at the pattern that's forming from the books I've read this month, I really struggle to read on weekends. It's ridiculous, because I have three days when I'm not spending the better part of the day down the shop dealing with customers, and I have very little to actually do, aside from jobs around the house and the occasional trip to the mainland, but for some reason I really have a hard time reading then.
I think part of the problem is the fact that I get up later on weekends. We have lovely lazy lie-ins, which means that whereas I would normally get up on a weekday morning, shower, then take my book to the kitchen (if I'm making breakfast) or sit in bed and read) (if John's making breakfast), then I'll wash up and read some more before work. If I'm waiting for a computer to do something down the shop, or if my laptop is playing up, I'll read. When I get home in the evening and I'm waiting for tea, I'll read, then I'll usually read again when we're in bed before we go to sleep.
Compared to a weekend when there's a lot less structure. We'll get up later, we'll still wash up (so I might get a few pages in while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil), but then we quite often watch films or get caught up on stuff on the Sky+, or *shudder* do housework. Some Saturdays we're off the island for shopping, and at this time of year the weather is rougher so I can't concentrate on reading, if it's just Dad and me then I won't read in the car because I'll be talking to him. So Saturdays off the island I'll only read if John's come along and I'm in the back seat (because with the music playing it's hard to join in on conversations) or if I'm waiting in the car someplace for someone to do a bit of shopping without me. Plus, on an evening when we get back from shopping, we usually just crash in front of something mindless on the TV which doesn't require too much concentration.
Sundays and Mondays alternate between visiting John's parents. I always take my book with me, but I very rarely get a chance to read. I tend to devote weekends to OU stuff anyway, so if I'm going to take anything with me to do there, it's going to be that. Somehow it's easier to sit and write and still appear to be being social than it is to sit with your nose in a book. Half the time when I'm at home on a weekend I'll be catching up on OU stuff (since I've given up trying to do too much in the shop because I just have too many distractions), and we usually sit together and watch blu-rays or things that Dad has recorded on Disney Cinemagic.
Which explains why it took me so long to read this book which I really enjoyed. I kept thinking that it felt like I'd been reading Dead To The World for ages, not in a bad way, in a sort of 'I'm-really-enjoying-this-book-and-it's-not-that-thick-so-why-don't-I-seem-to-be-getting-through-it' kind of way. I started Dead As A Doornail right after I finished Dead To The World (I was working on a very slow computer reinstall at the time) and I'm already almost halfway through it, I easily like it as much as I liked the last one, and the major difference - aside from the fact that since starting this one I've stayed up working on computers until eleven at night and once still been awake at three in the morning so read a chapter then as well - is the fact that I'm reading it during the week and not at the weekend. I bet that if I start the next one tomorrow or Saturday it'll take me twice as long to get through it, just because I don't have as much time to read at weekends.