Rachel/Tobias (Animorphs) Drabbles and Graphics
I watched the sunrise from my back steps. Honestly, I was trying not to think about anything but I was failing miserably. I was thinking about everything. Which was why I was still awake after everything that had happened, even though I was exhausted. School started in a couple hours so it was no use going to sleep anyway. My uncle was passed out in the bathroom so I couldn't take a shower. The only thing I could do was sit on my back steps and watch the sun rise over a world so different now because of what I knew.
Human comforts have been a mystery to me since my mother left. Needless to say, my aunt and uncle didn't understood the importance of kindness of any variety. Now though, I'm surprised I even feel anything through skin. Blood races to the surface and I know I'm blushing but it's such a foreign feeling that I can't even be embarrassed. Rachel squeezes my fingers again. She's impatient, I realize. I squeeze back, my hand performing the unfamiliar function but my skin tingles nonetheless. Though all emotional response is lost in my expression, she smiles and it makes everything worth it.
Sometimes she flies with me. It's not a bird thing, especially because she borrows the body of an eagle, it's just a Rachel and Tobias thing. We have to stay far enough apart to be inconspicuous but with her voice in my head, it feels like she's right next to me. And flying is better than anything in the world. The way I can just relax into the air and know that my wings will keep me safe. For her it's thrilling - every time like a new experience. For me it's comfortable. Together, with the sun bright, it's perfect.
Everything hurts more when I'm human. I don't remember how to move my body. I can feel the emotions surging through me like waves. I look at Rachel and tears are uncontrollable because I don't remember how to hold them back -- something I perfected when I was human all the time. When I'm a hawk, my main feeling is hunger. There are no tears. There is nothing to think about, there is nothing to relearn. I look at Rachel and nothing happens. It's a peaceful nothingness. And yet I find myself morphing more than is necessary. Like I miss it.
We didn't know then that she was dying. We didn't know a lot of things back then. Hell, we didn't know anything. We only knew that we had to keep fighting. So of course none of us noticed. But I should have. She would sit at the foot of a tree and wait for me to see her and land. She was skinny. She was tired. She wasn't sleeping. Sorry Tobias, she said with an awful laugh. I miss you, she said not soft enough for me to miss. But I just stared with my intense, yellow eyes and said nothing.
5 drabbles x 15 = 75
2 graphics x 2 = 30
Total = 105 points