Just a little interlude...
Title: The Reluctant President (13/?)
caitrinRating: PG
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine.
Genre: AU, romance, drama, mystery
Feedback: Much appreciated.
Timeline: Day one of the Lyman administration.
General Note: In this world, things went AU in season six when Donna quit.
President Lyman paced around the Oval Office restlessly. He'd long since sent Danny and Will home. He'd tried to send Charlie home, too, but the younger man had insisted that he didn't leave until the President was in the Residence for the evening. Josh knew that he wasn't accomplishing anything in the office at this point, but he just couldn't bring himself to go up there, not yet. It was too empty, too quiet. Miranda and Peter were supposed to be there, but instead, they were at their father's hospital bedside, and it was all his fault.
Josh had talked to Helen Santos yet again, late in the evening, but there was no news. Matt was hanging on. His vital signs were strong, but they just had to wait and see if and when he woke up. Josh strained to hear any note of blame in Helen's voice. If he hadn't convinced Matt to run in the first place . . .
He picked up a photo of the Santos children that had been missed when the former president's personal things had been cleared for the Oval Office. He wondered if they would ever forgive him. He wondered how they would even begin to understand the ways in which their lives were about to change. Would their father ever be able to work again? Unlike many politicians, Matt Santos was hardly wealthy. Josh made a mental note to call his lawyer in the morning and have him set up college trusts for Peter and Miranda. It was the least he could do.
Suddenly, a soft voice came from behind him.
"Joshua. It's not your fault."
Josh turned in surprise, the picture still in his hands. His mother had slipped into the room; Sam must have convinced the Secret Service that she needed unlimited access. Thank God for Sam.
"Mom! You made it!" Josh crossed the room quickly and let himself sink into his mother's embrace.
"It's not your fault, Joshua," she repeated. "And blaming yourself isn't going to help you be a good president. I know it's not what you wanted, but you can't let President Santos's work and sacrifice go to waste. You need to step up and do this, now."