I've been mostly MIA due to work and illness, but I'm still alive. I missed over a week of work with the H1N1 - gods that sucked. I can see why people in the middle ages died from the flu. I'm certain I was mostly dead at one point, luckily that means that I was still partly alive. So all I did for 10 days was sleep and occasionally go online
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Comments 18
I think that people are trading these eggies on the AP, so maybe you can stil get some.
OTOH, I snagged an extra for you and an extra for Kiramaru7 on my mom's scroll in case y'all didn't get one yourselves.
:) Let me know when a good time to make a switch.
Here is Spring, and we still have cases and people dying -not like in Winter- but yeah... And it seems it's going to stay for a while.
So, hugggggggggggg and sleep all you can. Your system is recovering, but I don't need to tell you all those things... you already knew it!!! :HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG:
I had a feeling that I would be the one in the office that would get this. I usually am. :sigh: But then I'm the one that is at work when everyone else is out with it. Today we have a nurse and 2 MDs out with it, despite the vaccine. At this point I wish that everyone in the clinic could go on ahead and get it and just close the office down for a few days. It would be better for us.
Moar Hugs!
Now to get caught up...
So get some sleep & feel better! *huggles*
:whisper: I laid in bed with the laptop to catch them. :giggle:
Sweet!! I wish I had a laptop... *sighs* (Or even one of those lil notebook thingies... as long as I can go online & write ficcage on it, I'd be happy. ;p)
BTW, I snagged an extra for you and an extra for sakura_kyoshi on my mom's scroll in case y'all didn't get one yourselves.
:) Let me know when a good time to make a switch.
I'm hoping that all the negative karma will work out for the better next year. Yeah...that's the ticket.
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