warnings: language, nudity
note; so last time, Rocco, our founder, met, dated, and proposed to a girl called Sanna, and that's...pretty much everything that happened
Sanna was gone in the morning, probably because, like a productive member of society, she had to go to work.
Rocco: Wh...where am I...
So Rocco got dressed, went home, made himself some pancakes...
...And then went to the laundromat, where he proceeded to stand authoritatively before the washer.
Upon looking around the building, I found Sanna and this weird guy yukking it up outside. I didn't bother to check why he was wet, or whatever.
Rocco called her over with this look on his face.
Sanna: Oh! Fancy meeting you here, babe!
Rocco: So who's that guy?
Sanna: ...Eh? That guy? I don't know, I just met him.
Sanna: What's that hand movement supposed to be?
Rocco: I don't know!
Rocco: Listen, I can't...really help it, you know, if I see you with a guy, even somebody like that weirdo...You know...I...
Sanna: Jeez, calm down, Mr. Jealous. I promise, once we're married I'll never talk to any guy but you.
Rocco: Fine, smartass. What if we got married right now?
Sanna: Then I'd stick to my promise, of course.
Rocco: Then let's get married right now.
Sanna: Sure, why not?
Sanna: So...what now?
Rocco: Hold tight just a sec, I have to finish my laundry.
Sanna: Sure, I'll just do some air math.
The money that Sanna brought to the household afforded them a new bed!
Which was christened straightaway.
The next morning, Sanna was minding her own business, eating some leftover pancakes for breakfast...
When this repossession agent walked in, looking super pleased with herself.
Repo Woman: I'm so cool.
Sanna: Why is she pointing that at me!?
Sanna: Wait...the repoman only comes when someone hasn't paid a bill. Just who did I marry?!
Apparently the bill was only something like $42, so she just zapped that one chair, got this "fuck yeah" look on her face, and left.
Rocco: zzzzzz I am so in love
Commitment Issues: Maybe I should just kill him before he brings us into financial ruin...
hey now, guys, what?
Apparently it was opposite day in their dreams or something, because they resumed being cutely domestic with no hints of enmity.
Sanna: Bleh, I feel gross...
Not gross, just pregnant!
Rocco: I just made the awesomest goopy carbonara! High five!
Love has done both good and bad things for your confidence.
Or has it?
Rocco: FUCK EVERYTHING I'm the worst writer ever.
Sanna got a teeny tiny makeover. (Excuse to put in a gratuitous picture of Sanna being pretty.)
They both rolled wishes to go to Shang Simla, and they had enough money, so they took a honeymoon!
The first thing they did was head over to the market.
(I thought that Sanna riding a bicycle was like the cutest thing ever so I had them buy one later /useless information/)
Sanna learned a song from Ai Pei...
While Rocco looked fairly unhappy learning one from the relics dealer.
Rocco: Wow, this person had big feet...
TOMB OF DOOM: opeeened
Rocco: Holy shit Sanna where's Sanna SANNA SANNA COME HELP ME
He found her talking to Ai Pei about babies.
Rocco: On second thought...maybe it's a good idea to keep that to myself...just act like nothing happened...
And watch, someone falls into it later.
By the way, isn't Ai Pei adorable?
After that, they went to the Academy, where Rocco learned the basics of Sim Fu.
He looks like he's afraid it'll hit back XD
Sanna played chess while he trained. I love her concentrating face haha
Eating out
Caring so much about all the interesting things to do in a foreign country
They both woke up quite smelly the next morning, but Sanna was the first to get to the tub.
Sanna: You smell like a sock, babe.
Rocco: B( I wouldn't if you weren't hogging the tub.
Sanna: Touchy. And here I was going to offer we take a bath together, but I guess if you don't want to...
Rocco: ...She's awesome.
The dim sum plate is so cute!
Sanna chilled with her new bestie the next day while Rocco was at the Academy training again.
They met up later at the scholar's garden, to roast some marshmallows and do otherwise outdoorsy shit.
I'm takin' ya back, come follow me/ On a journey to see a for real MC
Just kidding. Ghost stories!
Rocco: And then, as he was aging up, the little boy's body became elongated- horribly so- he looked like a grotesque Gumby...But the worst was yet to come: his little sister, aging up from a toddler, became just a headless torso, with long, Praying Mantis's hands...
Sanna: Eek!
Rocco: Of course, that stuff doesn't actually happen.
Sanna: Eek!
Local Lady: Really? Ghost stories? What are you guys, 12?
By the way, what the fuck is that? While I was taking ghost story shots, I saw whatever that is lurking by. Looks like a glitchy head, no? XD
Aside from that, they didn't do much. How about some vacation picture spam?
(They're...all of Sanna XD)
They ended the trip by watching the stars together.
At home, it was back to the domesticity.
Here's Rocco "kicking it up a notch"
The action ends with him making out with his hand.
Sanna: Well, I didn't marry him because he's cool.
Indeed, although he can be awkward and a teensy bit lame, Sanna seems to like him as much as he likes her.
Sanna: Come here, you sexy kung fu master!
Rocco: Will do.
Here's a pregnant Sanna dancing with herself while Rocco works on writing.
Speaking of writing, Rocco quit his old job and registered as a self employed writer. Which I'm sure got him a lot of respect at city hall, but w/e haters gonna hate.
He came home straightaway to make Sanna that grilled cheese she'd been craving.
He took quite good care of her during her pregnancy. He was rolling wishes to give her a massage, cook for her. It was cute :3
One night, Sanna was reading a logic book in bed when...
Sanna: Ow what the...
Rocco: What's all the noise for?
Mr. Brave Trait, making himself useful
When they got to the hospital, all fear had gone away, and Rocco was standing around clapping out of excitement XD
Rocco: Awesome! I'm going to be a daddy!
Sanna: ...Babe? Help, here?
So, round sunrise that morning, a baby boy was born! His name is Gabriel Weston, Gabi for short, born excitable and perceptive.
I guess Sanna was so exhausted after putting Gabi to bed that she didn't bother to get into her pajamas XD;
Rocco was the one to wake up when Gabriel started crying-
Now, I know he's shy and whatnot, but why be shy around a baby? XD And "non-friends," that's a little harsh, lol.
Rocco: Um, hey, little man. We don't know each other very well, but I, uh. Hope we can change that in the future. Okay?
Sanna was obviously not nearly as shy.
Sanna: Who's the cutest little glowworm in the world!? You are! You are!
Oh yeah, this came in the mail, but I was too busy being cool to care.
In today's episode of Rocco Breaks Everything
Rocco: All this- water!
Dude, you're the one who broke it. You're the one who breaks everything [laugh track].
Sanna: Can he go one day without breaking something!?
A question for the ages.
Rocco: Sorry, babe ;____;
Sanna: That's alright, just be more careful...
But despite that, they're quite happy with each other and the baby!
Oh, and look who's preggers again!
note; and that's it for now! thanks for reading!