Okay, I'm going to pull an
Anna and post a really short, random thing for my first post in a year.
It has a BOW TIE. THAT TIES. LIKE A BOW TIE. I am proud of myself (can you tell?). I bought the fabric from work yesterday (yes, about 1 yard of thrift store crap cotton) for a costume I'm wearing for Spy vs. Spy day tomorrow. I'm
The Lady In Gray (Grey? Can I get some opinions on that one? One of those stupid English words I can't stand. I'm voting for "a", just so you know where I stand). My costume RULES. I'm so buying the pieces I just checked out (Value Village is awesome; for the entire Halloween season - like, August through Halloween - you can check out merchandise for costume use instead of buying it), it is that awesome. Besides, it would make a fun Sakura Con costume if I ever ended up going, especially since the girl on Y!Gallery who got me into Spy vs. Spy in the first place lives in the Seattle area.
SO ANYWAY. I made this. Just now. In, like, two hours. From scratch. It has a functioning bow tie.
How awesome am I?
Right. Well, hopefully I'll talk myself into making a longer post soon. Quick updates: Tried and failed school again; am going to pursue paleoanthropolgy even though it most likely means a PhD. Shifting away from literature, philosophy, &c. and trying hard science to see if it's any easier on my brain. I do love science. And it's so much more straightforward than the arts. Not as much abstract thinking, which I like. We'll see how that goes, as soon as I have the money. I'm 4 classes from a 2 year transfer degree from Whatcom CC; a social science (that can't be psych or anthro, poo), an English comp (ew), Math 99 (the super basic math I've been avoiding my entire college career), and a science (I'll probably take an intro biology class).
Still working at Value Village. I am now a cashier! It's pretty sweet, and I'm especially looking forward to Halloween because I'll actually be on the floor where I can show off my costumes.
Sebrahn is a happy camper. I broke his bowl ages ago and he got a tank, and has since gotten a new tank, which is a tall, hexagonal 8-gallon thing. He also had two algae-eating shrimp friends, Hamza and Hamal, but Hamal died just the other day (and I think Hamza ate him... which is funny. I can't remember which is which, but their names mean "lion" and "lamb" in Arabic... har).
Oh, what else... Oh, I visited Wells last May, got to go to graduation and see tons of people I missed (e.g. Anna and other VIIIs pals, Corinna, Liz, and many many others), and Rebecca got married. A month after that, I got to see Liz and Corinna again because I am so lucky and got to go to Liz's wedding (thank you so much for getting married in Oregon, Liz, and P.S. it was gorgeous), where I was very excited to be randomly thrown into the wedding party, yet seriously bummed that Kirsten couldn't be there because I'd missed seeing her at Wells and had been looking forward to seeing her in Oregon.
I moved out of the apartment I was in last year and finished out a lease on a studio (where I sit now), and yesterday signed a new lease for a duplex with a couple of my guy buddies which is really nice, inexpensive, in a quiet neighborhood (it's a suburb, with adults with jobs!), and I think they'll be really fun to live with (I've known one since elementary school and the other since junior high; we play D&D). So I'll be moving in there on Monday.
Going to see Wicked in Seattle with my mom this Sunday! I'm really excited, even if I never did get around to reading the book (my mom did, and my dad is actually in the middle of it now, go figure). I'll still read it eventually.
Also, my friend has been getting me into both Dr. Who and Star Trek: The Next Generation. There is going to be a Star Wars vs. Star Trek day at work, and I'm hoping to go as Data. Guh, I love him so much. Also, I'm really bummed about David Tennant being replaced. I mean, Nine was okay, too, but Ten is the man, and Eleven is.... Well, perhaps I'll give the boy a shot. But he's not David Tennant. Does this sentiment make me an official Ten fangirl? I certainly hope so.
Okay, I think that's it for now.
P.S. Ha ha, Anna, I totally beat you this time. Then again, my hiatus was much longer than yours....