
Jul 30, 2006 22:28

Ok, so I was reading back on my old journals and they are really depressing and I've realized that I write a lot about boy problems...ha ha....awkward ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

alrightomorrow July 31 2006, 02:44:15 UTC
Did you know that Sandra Oh (who plays Christina) and Kate Walsh (who plays Addison) were lesbian lovers in Under the Tuscan Sun? Weird.

I love you!


cake_is_yummy21 July 31 2006, 13:21:28 UTC
ha ha thats so weird! I also have never seen that movie, I must do that soon!

Thank you!

I miss you!

Love, Sherri


irishpecas14 July 31 2006, 04:34:38 UTC
that was one of the best days ever. we should play more. called... yes.

hahaa swimming is taking over your lifee! DOOM_DOOM_DOOM!!!!!!!!


ummmm i love you.


cake_is_yummy21 July 31 2006, 13:22:51 UTC
yes, and we can play more now.

swimming is taking over my life and I don't actually do it anymore. Thats weird...ha ha

The Doom's were a pretty cool effect! ha ha

Love, S


irishpecas14 July 31 2006, 15:20:05 UTC
haha but you HAVE jobs... so that's what really matters

i like the dooms


love, e


cake_is_yummy21 July 31 2006, 23:47:55 UTC
ha ha someone today told me I was a bad coach...and I was like "well if you would leave me alone"...ha ha...I guess I'm bad at one of my jobs. Oh well!

Love, S


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