So the last time I posted anything about myself was at the end of Fall Break. Scarily enough, that was a little less than a month ago. Time for an update!
Classes are... fine? I've hit a rut, I think, where I can't seem to bring myself to want to do anything.
I've got a third draft of the thesis due right before Thanksgiving Break, but Greg hasn't given me feedback on my last draft yet. NOT helpful.
Also, my Discrete Math assignments have been VERY slow to get back to me. NOT helpful with a midterm coming up this week...
Dev Bio remains somewhat scatterbrained. Since Madi's been sick, I took notes for her, but it's the first time in awhile that I bothered to take notes. We have our term papers due soon. I haven't started it yet... I think Greg's just going to get a revised version of the background information section of my thesis. I'm playing my Lazy Senior card on that one. Oh, good... for me...
Philosophy of Religion just kinda makes me mad. We talked about science vs religion for two weeks, and the prof wouldn't let any of us science people clarify points, like what evolution actually means to scientists. So the whole class argued about things that are not relevant, true or fair. My essay for this week will most definitely be rather grumpy-sounding. Grrrrr...
I had a nightmare where it was tech week and all of our rehearsals were in front of a full house. I was in period dress and no one else was. And I didn't know my lines and I couldn't hear my cues and I tried to do a soliloquy but it was a train wreck, so everyone was mad at me. I ran offstage and Mari gave me a hug, but then I was yelled at for hugging during the soliloquy, so I got mad and ran away. And had to keep running and hiding all over Bryn Mawr because the people who were yelling at me kept following me and finding me and yelling some more. Joy. Not NEARLY as cool as the dream the other night in which I walked into some town and spent the rest of the dream having sex with Lady Gaga. =D
Anyways, we're performing for Hedley's class on Tuesday. I need to learn my lines for that... Oh, the stress! TWO soliloquies, ONE act! At least Mari and Andrea are awesome and will more than make up for any shortcomings I may display.
Maybe I shouldn't get into this... But a brief summary won't hurt. Here goes...
I am going to apply for the Avian Care internship with VINS because it's AWESOME! I'd get to take care of the birds and pretty much do whatever I wanted. They're not hiring currently, but they said they might have a place in the spring. Hopefully by "spring" they mean "end of May"
Also, I'm seriously considering the grad school at the natural history museum in NY. We'll see how that goes.
I went to see Pirate Radio last night!!!! It was superfantasticawesomeamazing and I had a really great time! The movie was AMAZING, too, everyone should see it. (Apologies to everyone I just made barf a little... =D )
I am a little apprehensive of my birthday at the end of the month. 22 sounds OLD! Oh well...
I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that Dollhouse is canceled after this season. At least we get the rest of the season... *sigh*
I got hooked on Doctor Who last weekend!!!!!! This bodes quite ill for my productivity... *double sigh* At least I know I won't be bored over winter break...
To Do This Week
-Devo Paper
-Discrete Math Midterm
-Discrete Math Problem Sets
-Religion Paper
-Lunch with Mom =D
a) Catch the flu and get it over with
b) Avoid the flu some more and pray I make it to the end of the semester
-Learn all my lines
-Learn all my lines
-Learn all my lines
And now, for something AWESOME! personal favorite: The play's the thing/ wherein I'll catch the swine flu of the king!
Also: Et tu, douchebag? Then fall, Caesar! (Thanks, Supatwin!)