Title: The Wretch. Word-count: 857. Characters: John, Sherlock. Rating: PG. Spoilers: Yes! For the finale 2x03: The Reichenbach Fall. Summary: oneshot, this is a brief, intense stream-of-consciousness inside John's head during The Event. Author's Notes: The title is a verbal pun on the verb and the S.W.S poem which acts as a mini-epigraph.
Now I'm going to end up writing some Harry Potter crossover, EVEN THOUGH I've already prompted it... I just bloody know it... >_<. All day long my head has been full of stupid questions like 'Should Hank be Henry Potter or Henry Lupin - failed animagus or conflicted werewolf? OR, should he be Henry Granger, muggleborn? OR, OR! Should he be Henry
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*Sorry for my absence - LJ keeps crapping out on me >:-O* Anyway! This post is a rarity for me -- all talk and no graphics. ^_^' This is just me, collecting together all the prompts I've just posted up on X1FKinkMeme, in case anyone's interested/something happens to them and they get lost/deleted there.
I've missed yet another round at the 1st-class-kink meme. When the fuck do they post these up, because I'm never online and they're always closed by the time I get there. *grumble* You know what I need? An animation of Charles & Erik just chillin' in bed...
From one Jane to another - just like I've done two scenes from Jane Eyre, I'm going to do two scenes from Becoming Jane. *because apparently I am such a glutton for punishment that I want to be rewatching both those films simultaneously* >_<. *facepalm
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coupla super-quick gifs, cuz I'm feeling guilty about all the love I've been giving non-James films. ^_^' [I know I've done this scene to death, but since I've just got hold of Sony Vegas this time it actually has a slightly different colouring/shading on it, so- er- yes. That's what this is. Not an excuse to look at James' lips or anything. *
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Just mucking these about before I toddle off to bedforshire.
I think this is my favourite scene (mmm, beardy!fass in the end is rather appealing though. I totally have a thing for beards. If I met Jesus, I'd be all over him.)
If only I could get hold of a decent dvd-rip or summat! >_<.