Well, Lost happened!

May 13, 2009 23:51

Okay, I wrote some disjointed stuff about tonight's season-ending episode of Lost.

So. It wasn't Locke at all. It was some dude whom we hadn't heard of until this very episode, who for some reason couldn't kill Jacob (whom, in a sense, we also hadn't encountered until this very episode) until he found a "loophole". And the loophole appeared to involve embedding his consciousness in a John Locke doppelganger so he could convince Ben (who used to at least seem like an assertive dude, but who now appears to be the pawniest) to stab him a few times.

Also, Jacob (who has a very nice name) made special visits to a bunch of people, wherein he gave them stuff (Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Hurley), said nice things to them (Sun, Jin), revived them (John), killed their fiancee (Sayid, but I thought she had died from beingg shot?) and, uh, actually now that I think about it was he even in Juliet's flashback scene? Am I forgetting anybody? At any rate, when he's not off island being creepy, Jacob lives under a statue's foot and weaves tapestries. Which is kind of fatey. Am I right?

Oh right, and Jack + Juliet managed to set off the bomb, I think. And we have no idea what the consequences of that will be.

My theory? Next season will start with the Oceanic 815 crash again, but this time there will be no magical nonsense. Jacob/the Island will both be dead/incapacitated. The original crew will be back together, and need to get home the old fashioned way (survive in the jungle long enough to build a boat to get off the island). I'm not sure whether they will remember their experiences. I'm also not sure whether Paulo and that woman will be there again. But I suspect we will see Boone and his hot sister again!

Either that or the final season will be an epic showdown between Jack and SuperLocke, with the fate of the Island, and the world, in the balance. Okay, probably that second one.

Lots of loose threads, of course. Whither Sayid, Juliet, Dr. Pierre Chang, Desmond, Vincent, and Charlie (or Charles)? What's Claire been up to? Will everybody start next season back in the present? Have we seen the last of Walt? For that matter, when will we find out what Hurley has been carrying around in that guitar case all year? And, for heaven's sake, when will we get RICHARD's flashback episode? Seriously, what is up with that guy?

This was a great season finale, because a lot of stuff actually happened, but nothing was resolved. In fact, as you might expect (and as I demonstrated above), we come out of it with more questions than we started with.

Let the anguish over the wait til 2010 begin.

So what did you guys think?
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