Title: Catching the Masterpiece
calanorPairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG...
Word Count: 4395
Warnings: Implied death..
Summary: Harry finds a home...
A/N: Written when I saw this
art done by
lemondropseven, I was bit by a bunny.. and this is what I came up with.. enjoy! beta by
morganlefay1958Disclaimer:: JK Rowling owns them all, I just play with them from time to time
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Comments 6
when I wrote that part... with Percy.. Luna just came naturally.. and it fit so well..
Harry and Severus do so fit together so well!
(The comment has been removed)
thank you!
*wipes away tears* k. Writing style: I like it! You really captured the emotions as well as the images, both in Harry's painting and the Monastery itself. Grammar: Didn't find anything wrong, so if there is, it's probably just a typo. Plot: I like it, it's rather new to have both Dumbledore and Snape alive (to me anyway). I enjoyed the mix of Harry alone, away from the wizarding world and still keeping contact with his friends. (Lucius and Remus! *snorts* Cute) Then the added relationship with Severus to complicate things. I did enjoy the thought of Percy/Luna, that amused me. Typical that Percy would end up liking the French though. Seems perfect for him.
now I just need to get my muse to work with me.. and get back into the groove of writing.
hahaha, muse. Mine doesn't know what to do with me.
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