Oct 05, 2009 03:01
- 03:39 You may be bouncing back and forth between being extremely emo... More for Virgo bit.ly/YAdyK #
- 09:07 Ok, goals today, achieve laundry karma, clean the disgusting fan and do my homework! (The last being the most important I think) #
- 14:12 My calculus homework is making me feel not so smart. Maybe I need a knitting break? #
- 16:18 Didn't take a break and finished the calc homework (do feel slightly less dumb, but not feeling my brightest) #
- 16:18 May start Physics tonight, but that one isn't needed till Tues #
- 17:18 @ plutokiller Oh man, but everything is better fried! Those fried s'mores look tasty! #
- 17:20 @ plutokiller And just think, frying those Whitecastle burgers wouldn't increase the amount of grease all that much (if at all) #
- 17:37 One more load, I may actually achieve laundry karma today! #
- 19:33 There is something just...odd seeing all that pink on the football field. I know it's breast cancer awareness, but seems out of place. #
- 22:42 Steelers need to stay awake during their 4th quarter games! Almost lost this one too, argh! Managed to pull it off at the end thankfully #
- 22:45 @ plutokiller I think that's scarier than the recipe our local paper had last month of bacon, wrapped in bacon on a bed of bacon bits... #
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