Oct 08, 2009 03:00
- 03:45 Your mantra for the next couple of days is "delayed gratificat... More for Virgo bit.ly/YAdyK #
- 08:16 I am so not ready to face the day today #
- 11:11 Feel so much better about the statics test than the quiz yesterday! #
- 15:55 Kind of rude to bring your Subway sub to eat at Panera don't you think? #
- 16:07 And finally saw image of Saturn's new ring. It's freaking huge! #
- 16:15 Well Busch Gardens has been sold to same folks who own Universal. I think I'm very glad I didn't get full time there after all. #
- 20:29 @ brypie haven't you gotten your answer? Either way, you should check out bit.ly/wD7lU for a good laugh (and it explains twinkies) #
- 20:31 @ lornaslaces I'm wondering that too! It's in the local bookstores already! #
- 20:54 Please explain to me how 1 computer is connected to the internet & the other isn't when they are connected to the same network the same way? #
- 23:04 @ brypie Meat twinkies? Now that's a VERY disturbing image! #
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