Oct 19, 2009 03:00
- 03:59 You might feel as if your personal resources are stretched to ... More for Virgo bit.ly/YAdyK #
- 11:38 @ justmaryb There's another game already, or do you mean last nights win after 13 innings? ^_^ #
- 12:28 There's something cozy about tea, knitting and an NFL game on the telly #
- 15:02 Worse call ever refs. Guy had no contact with anyone till a legit tackle, how the f8in hell is that holding? #
- 15:28 *sigh* have another section of calc homeowkr, that I'd rather knit instead of do. #
- 16:22 Snow in Massachussets! #
- 16:48 I'm going to dream about intergration tonight, I just know it #
- 19:01 Kind of have to agree with the announcers on this one, do either of these teams want to win? Jets and Bills in OT #
- 22:04 should be in bed, but got distracted catching up on the Big Bang Theory '9well, season 2 actually) #
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