Nov 05, 2009 03:00
- 04:38 Your attempts to be objective are not very successful today be... More for Virgo #
- 19:08 Grrr, why can I not grasp the concept of friction! #
- 20:40 @ MamaEwok Equilibrium problem involving sum of torques/forces. Beam held up by friction... #
- 20:41 @ MamaEwok Got any links to good friction tutorials? Rotational stuff seems to be all I've conquered #
- 20:42 @ random_c Sadly that and sliding across ice doesn't answer my problem *pout* #
- 20:43 @ MamaEwok I know it's getting late and all, but I am on YIM if you think you might be able to help #
- 21:16 You would think being in a class focusing entirely on STATICS, equilibrium would not be an issue, and for the most part it isn't #
- 21:16 Till you throw friction into the mix grrrrrrr #
- 22:22 Whoa thunder! #
- 23:55 Shouldn't be awake, but am, Yay Yankees! Ok, shall try to sleep now #
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