You'll hurt the baby!

Sep 03, 2007 18:07

I've never really been a fan of martial art films. Even when I come across some I like, I don't tend to buy them like I do other films ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

moshingyogi September 4 2007, 03:13:31 UTC
Oh yeah, Drunken Master was AWESOME. Tottally agree, typical cookiecutter kung-fu isn't the greatest, but those are good exceptions. I haven't seen Shaolin Soccer, but that's on the list now!


calculatedx September 4 2007, 04:29:14 UTC
Woot! Shaolin Soccer kicks ass. It's a comedy though, so they don't really focus on the kung-fu, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much. If you do like Shaolin Soccer, check out Kung Fu Hustle next. They're both made by Stephen Chow, who has a knack for kung-fu comedies.


moshingyogi September 4 2007, 14:10:42 UTC
Kung Fu hustle hurts my head. One minute I'm about to piss myself laughing, the next I'm actually scared.... the plot was kind of hard to follow. All in all, it's a classic.


calculatedx September 4 2007, 19:59:52 UTC
Honestly, I didn't really get to enjoy it. I was trying to watch in the main living room where Richmond was going on with one of his many rants. Plus he didn't feel like watching so that ended that.


ps.... rexpie September 4 2007, 03:37:55 UTC
finally saw Shaun of the Dead... Jason forced "us" to buy it. Hells yeah! I think we watched it twice in one night, it frickin' rules! You are my movie guru... I bow to thy, sensei...............


Re: ps.... calculatedx September 4 2007, 04:26:04 UTC
I'm glad I'm someone's movie guru. :P

Shaun of the Dead is probably one of the greatest zombie movies ever. You should rent Hot Fuzz if you get the chance. I say rent cause it's the same guys from Shaun of the Dead, but it's not as good. Like "Shaun" it has so much subtle humor to it. And the violence is actually kind of shocking. lol


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