
Feb 24, 2008 16:50

for reference, you can has some app

[series]: Claymore

[character history / background]: Why, yes, you can has some wiki.

[character abilities]: From Teresa’s flesh and blood, Clare has gained the ability to sense yoki at a heightened level, to the point where she can usually determine an opponent’s movements before they make them, because for any level of ability above that of an average human, a Claymore must exert some level of yoki. Well, most of them, anyway. I’ll get to that in a bit.

From Irene, involving an unfortunate incident with a quasi-Shakespearian serpent lady, Clare has gained an arm (l-literally) and the ‘Quick Sword’ technique, enabling her to use her (giant, kickass) sword… really quickly. Though she can only use it half as quickly as Irene, that’s... still really fast! It’s also the only technique that can combat Ophelia’s rippling technique. It’s pretty much the fastest draw in the Claymore game, and those swords are gigantic, so... yes. Really fast, lightening stabs and slashes are go.

During a prolonged camping trip in frigid weather involving flesh-eating monsters, usually referred to as ‘the Northern Campaign’, Clare learned how to use the ‘Windcutter’ technique from Flora. It’s kinda like the Quick Sword, but with better table manners; more exact and easier to control-if you can master it, which Clare did, or came pretty close to.

Likewise, because of that eight-year snowy fieldtrip, Clare has learned how to fight without releasing yoki, so it’s really friggin’ hard for other Claymore to track her like she occasionally does to them.

Like all Claymore, Clare is stronger than the average bear human, and quicker, etc. Seeing as Clare is a more offensive type fighter, she can’t regenerate broken limbs like the less suicidal types can, but if she does get any more body parts cut off, she can snap them back on like leggos, with a bit of concentration and yoki, of course.

Like all claymore, Clare is in constant danger of Awakening if she ever uses too much yoki and/or gets too emotionally involved. Luckily, Clare can be a bit of a stoic, but that hasn’t stopped her from joining the ‘almost Awakened’ club! Case and point:

Some would place that whole ‘half awakened’ thing as an ability, and though I see it as more of a major weakness, because crazy isn’t cool, I’ll bring it up! Clare has Awakened (thus, almost becoming a ravenous cannibalistic monster) in varying degrees, and is what is generally considered a ‘Half-Awakened’ depending on which scan you read. Because the ability is never completely explained in canon, and because I like my canon like I like my commandments (written in stone), I’ll probably be pretty shy on using it in the game, but from what we’ve seen:

-It happens when she’s both emotionally and physically distraught
-friends and yoki-manipulation can pull her back from the edge
-it makes her stronger, faster, better (also, quicker to heal, so they can rebuild her)
-dangerously far away from those shores we call sanity
-unable to completely recognize the difference between friend and foe
-did I mention stronger and faster?

Um. Yeah. In ridiculously minute summery? Clare has a really (really, really) speedy sword, an arm-on-loan, a not-quite-a-cloak cloak of invisibility (though I’d only say it’d apply to other Claymore, honestly), can sense another Claymore’s moves before they make them (but only Claymore, and only sometimes), and you wouldn’t like her when she’s angry.

[character personality]: Like most Claymore, Clare is outwardly emotionally distant! This may have to do with her steely temper, post-traumatic stress disorder, or the quite rational fear of becoming emotional and thus killing everyone, but mostly, for Clare, it has to do with the fact that she is so dedicated to her duty (whatever it may be, avenging Teresa, protecting Raki, fighting Yoma, it varies from case to case, but overall it’s usually something) that she often doesn’t feel the need to give other people the time of day. It isn’t rude, and it isn’t kind, it’s just business, and it happens without thought or care.

That’s outwardly, though.

Inwardly, Clare can be a bit of a teddy bear. Not really, but... Well, if something particularly ground-breaking happens, she may cry, scream, yell and/or flail while bleeding all over the place. This is unusual behavior for a Claymore... usually.

Clare, though, if she’s poked by someone often enough, will eventually warm to them when they prove their worth to her. This doesn’t have to be with fighting, actually, it usually isn’t. It generally has to do with accepting her, of just being emotionally individual from the general norm of her world, ie, no calling her a ‘silver-eyed witch’, plz.

The people who do get under Clare’s not-so-impenetrable outer shield tend to be valued and protected, if not emotionally supported, or ever reminded that they’re valued or protected. Usually, they’re not even informed of it at all, except in a rare and quick act of kindness, like an invitation to follow her, a kiss, or a smile. Even better, Clare generally doesn’t value people until they’re either in a situation that endangers them, or they’re nearly dead. Forethought and prudence are not a few of her favorite things.

Clare is very dead-set on her goal. They are her life. She wants to kill Priscilla, protect Raki, and various others important to her. She wants to live into Teresa’s memory, not necessarily ‘make her proud’ so much as do right by her past.

Clare is completely within the belief that she is right, to finish it. She has very few doubts about her motives and needs.

She’s a Claymore, damnit, and she knows what she’s doing.

[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: A few days after where I picked her up last time, so, basically, before she shows up in Rabona with her posse, after the chat with Riful.

ooc, reference

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