+ Reply to this post (specifically saying you wish to play) and I will pick six of your icons.
+ Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
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+ This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
Gotta be one of my favorite bands now (which is saying something, because I'm usually a country girl). My best friend Bailey has been in love with them for years, and when I noticed they would be playing in our area, she was all "omg you have to go with me!!"
Heterosexual Orange Bro stans Kanye, while Princess J lahvs the GaGa. The boys also have some kind of ridiculous rivalry dealio. Us _skaters know it's all an act.
CSI always brings the snark, and I love watching how everyone interacts. Though it's rare to get Captain Brass to join in and Grissom is often caught up in more philosophical quips, this one always makes me grin :)
"You infected me with mildew?!" Possibly my favorite time period for our quirky lab rat. Greg is still stuck in the lab, but is key in solving many a case especially as Grissom's guinea pig, and of course, flirting with Nick anyone who enters his lab.
Happy!Johnny wearing something that doesn't actually make me worry about his mental health, heh. And maybe Taylor Swift made the whole heart thing popular, but I definitely prefer Johnny's fierce version. (credit
lunatics_word )
I found out who this ~beautiful Canadian brave soul~ was shortly after I became interested in skating. It's pretty rare to find a shot were Jeff isn't smiling, but this one is amazing. Also, dat ass in dem jeans. Unf. Thanks go to