Dude, I came across your journal randomly, I think you commented on Chelsea Bowdren's. I just wanted to take a moment and share something I learned. I was a higher up in drama when Marquis was still having her bloody reign. (In the Drama room there's a sign with Hendricks-McMahon theatre, I'm the McMahon). We had quite a bit of people freaking out over things I or my friends said/did. You can't help it. When people look up to you, or are jealous of what you have, they will start shit without a reason. They will make drama club have an intervention where everyone sits in a big circle and talks about how they're upset with you because you didn't invite certain people to see movies/hang out with you. To avoid this, just be your awesome self. Don't give a crap if people are bitching, you're almost out anyway. It gets way better after high school.
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