It seems I have an interesting relationship to marijuana, I guess that I am not really opposed to it, in fact i have said in the past the gov't could make millions in tax dollars by legalizing it. After all, the vast majority of people only smoke occasionally/socially, and are fairly safe about it. I guess it is so ingrained in me that its a bad thing that it is hard to overcome. I suppose I come down hrard on AnaCristina for doing it because I worry about her. As i have thought about it, my only real obstacle to trying pot at some point is because i hate the thought of smoking, that said, if it were in the form of cookies or brownies i'd probably try it, as a once in a lifetime type of deal.
Well, with that said, I'll have to keep that in mind. ::wimk:: Yep. wimk. I'm on my way to bed now. cause the incomprehendableness has masticized from my mouth to my fingers as well. It's in both Broca and Wernike's areas of my left temporal lobe. Yay!!
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