Brand-New Science Fiction and Fantasy from Ace and Roc (2009)
Written by: Faith Hunter, Mark Del Franco, Patricia Briggs, Rob Thurman, Ilona Andrews, Steven R. Boyett, Julie Kenner
Genre: Sampler/Urban Fantasy
Pages: 134 (Sampler)
I actually won this from
janicu from a giveaway from
her blog. But I quickly realized that once I read this, I'd have no interest in keeping it, so I thought I'd pass it along to someone else who might be interested. Behind the cut is a detailed list of the samples available in this volume and a brief description of what caught my eye and what didn't. Thanks to
janicu for the giveaway and for not minding me passing along the favor!***
I signed up for
janicu's giveaway because there were a few books in the sampler I'd been eying, but I've felt burned on urban fantasy lately and thought that this would be a good way to get my feet wet without making any fiscal commitments.
Skinwalker by Faith Hunter (Available July 7th)
First in a new urban fantasy series from Faith Hunter (author of Bloodring). From the author's website: "Jane Yellowrock is the last of her kind-a skinwalker of Cherokee descent who can turn into any creature she desires and hunts vampires for a living."
My review: The premise, especially the heroine's origin, sounded really cool and promising, but I just couldn't get into the voice and the bad-ass attitude. I'll pass on this one.
Skin Deep by Mark Del Franco (Available July 28th)
Mark Del Franco is the author of the Connor Grey series (starts with Unshapely Things). Skin Deep is the first of a series set in the same world that focuses on Guild agent Laura Blackstone: "Being an undercover agent has its occupational hazards, but Laura makes it look easy. She uses her magical abilities to create disguises that are skin deep--glamours, or personas, that must never be compromised."
My review: This didn't interest me at all. I almost didn't finish it because I'm just not into faeries, and I had trouble wrapping my head around the way the premise was worded in the sampler. It SOUNDED as though the heroine's often in three separate places at once, when in fact, she's more like a Sydney Bristow -- a spy who can only be one alias at a time. This sample DID make me glad I'd abandoned the fantasy idea I had in college, in which a Convergence merged different fantasy realms into the real world. Whew!
Hunting Ground by
Patricia Briggs (Available August 25th)
This is the second of the Mercy Thompson series spin off that features werewolf couple Anna and Charles. Patricia Briggs' website says: "It's set on a slightly earlier time-table than the Mercy books. In this book Bran is going to make the werewolves publicly known. Unfortunately, there are some fairly persuasive beings who aren't real keen on that idea."
My review: I'd already planned on getting this book before reading the sampler, so this was just icing. Cute opening scene, though it took me a moment to get back into the world.
Trick of the Light by
Rob Thurman (Available September 1st)
A new series by the author of the Cal Leandros series. This one features Trixa Iktomi, a Las Vegas bar owner and information dealer who occasionally has to tangle with demons.
My review: I was looking forward to this sample, as I've enjoyed the Cal Leandros books I've read so far; however, this sample actually turned me AWAY from the book. The heroine's first person voice was so vernacular that it almost didn't work as WRITTEN English. I imagine that if I heard this read aloud, it'd be full of personality and easily understood, but as it stands, I often had to stop and re-read sentences several times to figure out what was actually being said. The premise doesn't really interest me either, so I've bumped this sucker down to the "Maybe, if it gets good reviews and I'm really bored" list.
On the Edge by Ilona Andrews (Available September 29th)
New series by the author of Magic Bites, Magic Burns, and Magic Strikes. From the author's website: "Rose Drayton lives on the Edge, between the world of the Broken (where people drive cars, shop at Wal-Mart, and magic is a fairy tale) and the Weird (where blueblood aristocrats rule, changelings roam, and the strength of your magic can change your destiny)."
My review: I've been curious about Andrews's work, but I've never checked it out. This was rather solidly written, and while I may not give this particular volume a shot (seriously, the cover? *shudders*), I might pick up her debut.
Elegy Beach by Steven R. Boyett (Available November 3rd)
This is the sequel to Ariel. It all starts with our world when technology suddenly stops, planes fall out of the sky, people are stranded, families are torn apart by sheer distance and no way of communication. Then things from stories; like unicorns and magic just happen. Elegy Beach is set 30 years after Ariel.
My review: The writing is actually pretty solid, and after reading up on Ariel, it sounds like I can read this book without having read the prequel. However, this isn't something I'm dying to get my hands on, so if anything, my reading this will depend on when it comes out in paperback and also, what kind of reviews it gets.
Tainted by Julie Kenner (Available October 27th)
New urban fantasy series by the author of the Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom series. Features Lily Carlyle, who, in an act of vengeance, manages to get herself killed, and wakes up in a new body with the chance for redemption as an assassin for the Light.
My review: No. Just no. The voice sounded too YA for a book that's clearly not YA, and it just didn't grab my interest.
Interested in getting your hands on this? I've only got the one copy, and you should know that it's autographed by by both Ilona and Gordon Andrews. Still interested? Do you live in the US? (Sorry, but I'm not shipping this any farther than I have to!). Follow the rules below:
1) Email me at calico.reaction[AT] with:
2) The subject of your email saying "Ace/Roc Sampler Giveaway" and
3) Your real name
4) Your working email address
5) Place of residence. Remember, this is open to the US only.
As always, 1 entry per person. Also, I'm not pimping this particular giveaway, so if you read this LJ, lucky you! Consider it a not-so-hot-but-still-a perk. :)
DEADLINE: all entries must be received by Saturday, August 15th. I'll announce the winner on Sunday, August 16th.
Have fun, and good luck!
*** = I also borrowed the descriptions of each book from her blog, since she'd already laid it out so nicely. Save for my own opinions about each work, you can thank her for this post!