Title: Jewelry Revelations
Rating: PG
Summary. Shopping for a watch Oliver's eyes unknowingly stray elsewhere. Drabble
Oliver glanced up from the glass case and settled his eyes on the watch laying across the blue velvet. He pursed his lips then shook his head, looking back up at the jeweler. “Maybe something a little smaller.”
The elderly man nodded and walked off, leaving Oliver to his browsing. As the seconds ticked by he walked around the cases, surveying the various jewelry. Watches, women's watches, necklaces, bracelets, rings...He paused, noticing the flash of green. With a mild interest he stopped and turned and looked into case, eyes straying towards the more extravagant ones. One in particular. One large emerald and two diamonds set on either side of it.
He liked green to be sure, it was a plus that it looked good on Chloe too.
Crossing his arms on the glass he leaned over, studying the ring. Of course if he was going to spend that much money on jewelry he would get it made himself.
“Shopping for an engagement ring, sir?”
Engagement. That one word made his heart stop and his breath catch as his head shot up. He felt like a kid caught with their hand in a cookie jar. Without knowing why he glanced behind him, scared that somehow, someone heart the word uttered to him. Turning back to the elderly jeweler he shook his head. “What? No.”
“You weren’t look at the engagement rings?”
He breathed shakily, patting his pocket for his epi pen, swearing that what he had for lunch must have had peanuts in it. Why couldn’t he breathe? “No-- I mean yes.”
“Would you like to see one?”
Oliver winced and scratched the back of his head, glancing around again. One elderly couple shopping. That’s it. The chances of them being reporters in disguise slim. WIth a sigh he turned back and nodded. “Yeah, take out a few with the emeralds.”
He breathed in deeply and felt his heart begin to slow his, his breathing become even again.
There was nothing wrong with looking.