Tom sprinted down the halls, tripping and knocking over a can of paint and slipping on it and falling oon his back, getting soaked in paint.
He sniffled. Mark ran up to him and lifted him, carring Tom back to the bathroom and removing the boys pants and boxers, for his shirt was already gone long before that.
Mark picked up the bog and placed him in the half filled tub in between Chloe and Grey. Tom scratched at his paint covered hair and growled.
"Tom, stop!"
"But my head itches!!!"
"That's because you have fleas! You decided to hang around Chloe and Grey for a day and this is what happens! You get fleas and headlice!"
"I- the- it! ... The headlice came from jack! He gave it to me! AAnd it's Chloe's fault i
Mark scrubbed down Chloe then grey. The
on to Tom. He put fflea shampoo in Tom's hair and lice shampoo. He rubbed Tom's hair until it was covered in soap. Once Chloe and Grey were clean, Mark rinsed out Tom's hair. Toms body was paint free
"I ggot you something!" Mark chimed.
"What! What is it!?"
for each of you!"
Mark pulled out three flea collars from aa plastic bag. He place one around Chloe's neck, Gray's neck, and
tom's neck.
"It kills the fleas!"
Tom crossed his arms and scratched at the collar, "Get iit off!" he whined.
"Once you're flea free!" mark exclaimed.