NO SERIOUSLY. My life is not that interesting-- unless you actually talk to me.
I stayed out way too late/ wasted a bunch of time last night. It all started when I met Ricardo to get half of a burrito for free
Before this, I was watching videos for research for a Beatles assignment I have.
Anyway, then we went to some co-op for some meeting having to do with a subcommittee of the General Assembly. Some some some... I did reading for soc while I was there, but not much. It was only 9 pages and I had to finish some of it this morning...FAIL.
Also, I made cookies with Rashid, Melissa, and Keiry for like an hour from 9-10ish. Then I came back up and showered and continued my research. Unfortunately, it was time to distribute the cookies shortly after my research had re-commenced. After doing that, it was back to watching interviews and trying to fathom the personalities of the Beatles once again...until Ricardo called me to tell me about celebrating Eunice's birthday! I guess everyone (whoever that is) was at the donut place but they didn't want to wait like five minutes for me. So I walked to Fiona's by myself. On the way there, a hobo started talking to me.
"Hey pretty lady, want to take a couple pets home with you?"
*repeats himself*
"Oh...actually I'm not going home. I'm going to my friend's apartment to celebrate her birthday"
"Tell her I said happy birthday"
"It's my birthday on Saturday"
"Happy early birthday! Bye!"
"Thanks! Bye"
Oh, Berkeley hobos.
Then came Eunice's surprising birthday surprise. It was pretty cool. Unfortunately, I was not in the best of moods due to stupid stuff (stupid people) and Ricardo not waiting for me and making me walk alone. At first, he kinda got on my case for being sullen. But it seemed like after a while, he was trying to engage me in conversation. He is definitely a strange one. The point being, I stayed out until like 2 in the morning and got very little work done. At least I didn't eat late, though. I didn't have to brush my teeth again! Yay! But by the time I got back to dorm, I just gave up on getting work done and went to sleep.
Today I got up and grabbed a pastry on my way to discussion as well as a hot chocolate. I felt like a I needed a little something extra because I was so tired, plus it was cold out. After an hour of fighting sleep in discussion, I stopped by the student store to buy a case-thingy for my laptop. I'm thinking of taking it back because it's kinda loose (lol).
I headed back to my dorm and saw that Lemicher was sleeping and saw it as the perfect opportunity to force myself to work (since I don't like napping when she is napping, as much as I was counting on using this time to sleep). It must be working because I've finished my short paper for my Beatles class. I just need to print it out before class. Now I shall read some Blake and T. S. Eliot♥ for my English classes and perhaps eat leftover pizza (because I'm pimp like that and I save lots of meal points). Yee, time to be productive! My goal is to finish my reading between classes and work on my 45B paper tonight. If I'm extra good with my time, I may also watch House or take a nap. Pahaha I'm weird. But it works.
I can do this! It's not like I have a choice