since none of my vacation pics are posted (sorry
sleep2_dream!), i am stealing some from nicks sister! bwaahahahahaha
__twentybelow and kyle... in the darth vader masks she got nick for his b-day!
__twentybelow, kyle, amy, nick, and jeff (back) showing off their wicked cool star wars tattoos!
__twentybelow entertaining us with the 'feeny'!
here's patti boogie boarding!
this is patti's fiance, adam, washing up on the shore.
look at me all washed up on shore!
nicks other sister, laura, and her man brent.
my other sister, and her man, chris.
swear i am not drunk yet in this pic!!
nicks sister, amy.
teresa and adam build a fire while nick and i stuff our faces and patti watches!
adam and i race boards, and i win of course while adam....
wipes out.
*no adams were injured during this photo shoot!
so yeah, thats it.