I was just going through looking at requests (it's kind of sad how many Dear Santa tabs I have open) and I saw your femslashy Rush request and I damn near squeed. I really hope someone writes that. Also, someone who knows what Rush is! *excitement*
I know what you mean - I've been stalking the letters page and going 'Ooooh' a lot. And yay - I hope someone writes it too! I've also been stalking the requested fandoms page and Rush currently has three requests and three offers (one of each of those is me) so maybe I'll get lucky. And extra yay for general Rush fandom!! I mean, is there even a fandom for the show? It's brilliant and clearly deserves a very awesome one but I ventured into the Pit once, was bombarded with fairly awful Grace/Josh fic and gave up.
Oh, gods. I know what you mean about the Pit. I think I went there once on a whim when I was looking for femslash in another fandom and cried about the hopelessness in both fandoms. Unfortunately, LJ has failed me as far as this fandom is concerned.
What gets me about the show is that Stella is supposed to be this canon bi character but we've only seen evidence of that in a gf she was breaking up with in the first episode. That just...not my definition of bi. Especially when the show pushes her toward a moron like Michael.
I only recently saw Stella/Shannon as a possibility and that was barely there subtext from significant looks in the locker room. Anyway, I'm just really excited to see someone else loving Rush. *crosses fingers that someone writes this prompt*
That makes me sad. I was hoping there was some giant LJ community that I'd just missed completely.
Okay, what episode have you seen up to? Because things get more interesting with Stella, although I still have my issues with what happens, but it's damn sight better than nothing. And god yeah, Michael is so not my favourite person. I would like him more if they weren't pushing this Michael/Stella business I think.
I think Stella/Shannon could be really interesting, but I'm well aware that I'm partly just looking at the available femslash options and drawing what limited conclusions I can. Honestly, I'd just like to see them interact a bit more - that would be lovely!!
Comments 6
I know what you mean - I've been stalking the letters page and going 'Ooooh' a lot. And yay - I hope someone writes it too! I've also been stalking the requested fandoms page and Rush currently has three requests and three offers (one of each of those is me) so maybe I'll get lucky. And extra yay for general Rush fandom!! I mean, is there even a fandom for the show? It's brilliant and clearly deserves a very awesome one but I ventured into the Pit once, was bombarded with fairly awful Grace/Josh fic and gave up.
What gets me about the show is that Stella is supposed to be this canon bi character but we've only seen evidence of that in a gf she was breaking up with in the first episode. That just...not my definition of bi. Especially when the show pushes her toward a moron like Michael.
I only recently saw Stella/Shannon as a possibility and that was barely there subtext from significant looks in the locker room. Anyway, I'm just really excited to see someone else loving Rush. *crosses fingers that someone writes this prompt*
Okay, what episode have you seen up to? Because things get more interesting with Stella, although I still have my issues with what happens, but it's damn sight better than nothing. And god yeah, Michael is so not my favourite person. I would like him more if they weren't pushing this Michael/Stella business I think.
I think Stella/Shannon could be really interesting, but I'm well aware that I'm partly just looking at the available femslash options and drawing what limited conclusions I can. Honestly, I'd just like to see them interact a bit more - that would be lovely!!
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