Title: Harder To Stay Where You Are
Fandom: SGA
calleigh_jRating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for everything up to and including ‘First Strike’, mentions of character death, general angst
Pairings: John/Elizabeth UST, Teyla/Lorne
Word Count: 1,308
Disclaimer: I own neither the characters nor the title
Summary: It’s been almost two years since she
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Comments 43
2nd: You shouldn't blame JM for it because we only blame the asshat for bad things. This is everything but.
I'm glad you liked it so much despite your non-Sparky tendancies! I'm gonna have to start writing more angst.
And I'm mostly blaming the bad mood that caused the fic to be written on him. And also my back pain - that too is his fault.
Did you get your rare pairings prompts yet? I have a seriously awesome one which I think you might appreciate.
Definitely more angst, this one was really really good! Totally brought the atmoshpere across *shudders*
Ah okay, that's better. *sends you a heating pad*
Got it! 2 of the 4 requests suck, one could be fun and the other is the one I think I'll write. It's a pretty cool one, though rather unspecific. I'm thinking about creating a post which is locked for everyone but Yumi (<- haha :P) as a place to throw around ideas. Are you letting me in on your assignment? You made me very curious ^^
Thank you! It's the hot water bottle for me when I get home.
Locked post sounds like a good idea - I'm gonna be writing for a pairing I've never written before and throwing ideas around would be awesome. And I will indeed be letting you in on my assignment - you're much better versed in one of the characters than I am ;)
angst ftw! its great watching space for sequal
Have you had your rare pairings? I can't decide between two :( can you help? :D
I have indeed, and I'd be happy to help. Drop me an e-mail, or else set up a filtered post on your LJ and we can discuss there.
I think i'm still trying to get over the last insallment of opal's unexpected too, haven't commented on that yet because it would all be jibberish!
I think I may do both and maye open it up to franzi too *ponders* off to write e-mail and post
Go for it.
And OMG please smut, this one is perfect for it. But no more killing people off, that was already enough. *wails*
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