Fandom meme 2016

Jan 08, 2017 17:46

Hiiiiii, I'm not dead. I stole this from the lovely enname

Your main fandom of the year?
BTS, like crazy.

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Newest fandom: NCT,

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Your favourite film watched this year?
Uhhhhh, how sad is it that I can barely remember any good films I watched this year? I definitely watch more tv shows than movies. Let's see...I watched Girl On a Train recently but I didn't like it. I remember now that I watched all three movies based on Jussi Adler-Olsen's Department Q book series: The Keeper of Lost Causes, The Absent One, Conspiracy of Faith. They were all very good and I enjoyed them, I hope they keep making more in this series.

Your favourite book read this year?
So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson was an interesting read.

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year?
I listened to a lot of old school hip hop & rap this year out of nostalgia, so my most listened songs this year were probably Nas's Hate Me Now and The Message, Dr. Dre's Still D.R.E., Missy Elliott's One Minute Man, and Kanye West's Illest Motherfucker Alive -- at least I think these were the songs I listened to the most while driving. As for newer stuff, BTS's Wings album and anything by Cigarettes After Sex and Wet.

Your favourite TV show of the year? (in the order of what I liked most)
Skam (aka Shame -- Norwegian), Ófærð (aka Trapped -- Iceland), Bedrag (aka Follow the Money -- Swedish), Midnight Sun (Swedish), third season of Broad City (US), second season of The Missing (UK), And Then There Were None (tv mini-series -- UK), Boku dake ga Inai Machi (anime -- Japan).

Your favourite LJ community of the year?
I guess omonatheydidnt because it was the one I read the most. LJ is so dead, though, which is sad.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
BTS, Skam, NCT

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
That I can't go the BTS Chicago concert. :(

Hot male you were attracted to on TV/TV boyfriend of the year?
Riz Ahmed in The Night Of (I liked him more than I did the show), Thomas Hwan in Bedrag (sexiest financial crimes cop ever!), Aiden Turner in And Then There Were None (I don't like him in Poldark because his character is an idiotic asshole, and he was better groomed and styled in ATTWN), I was weirdly attracted to Olafur Darri Olafsson in Trapped (even though I hate beards, but he is seriously such a talented actor and I loved his character)

Hot female you were attracted to on TV/TV girlfriend of the year?
Josefine Frida Pettersen in Skam, Natalie Madueno in Bedrag (even though I wanted to strangle her character every five minutes)

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Probably every time I saw Kim Taehyung (stage name: V -- stupid stage name btw) of BTS stick his tongue out or act cheeky (which is All. The. Time.). Seriously, I'm a pathetic fangirl.

The most missed of your old fandoms?
Alias (the Sarkney side especially. Can we please get a reboot of Alias?), SHINee (no more throwback concepts please unless it's throwback to the A+ styling of Ring Ding Dong era), 2PM (can they please go to another management company who will appreciate and promote them more? JYP has proven it can't handle more than two groups at a time and all it cares about are Twice and GOT7 now. Wonder Girls seriously has the right idea in leaving, I wish 2PM would as well)

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
I'm not sure how much I want to get into NCT fandom. SM bands have a history of disappointing me (except for SHINee), mostly because SM is evil.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the new year?
It was BTS's US tour, but I'm sad I can't go. Still, I'm anticipating reports, pics, and videos from all the fans who will be going.

music, bts, i live to fangirl, kpop, vidspam, tv, books, meme, movies

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