Title: The Anatomy of Writing
Author: Calliatra
Rating: FR15
Category: Gen, Het
Pairing: McAmy, Tisa, Tibbs/OFC
Character(s): McGee, L.J. Tibbs, Agent McGregor, Agent Tommy, Officer Lisa, Amy Sutton
Genre: Five Times Format, Character Study, Romance, Angst, Friendship
Words: 4,274
Warnings: Canon Character Death
Spoilers: 2x23 “Twilight,” 3x01/2 “
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Comments 4
Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you liked the story. :)
It makes sense for him to have stopped writing L.J. Tibbs books after the events of "Cover Story" (and death threats from certain teammates). but somehow I can't imagine that he stopped writing altogether. I really wish they'd explore on the show!
Heh, I had lots of fun imagining McGee trying to write smut involving Gibbs, especially in season three, where he was still so young and innocent. Poor guy!^^ The scene about Kate'd death, while not exactly fun, was definitely fascinating to write. The team was in a completely different world, emotionally, at least, during "Kill Ari," and I found exploring the darkness there extremely compelling.
I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed the story! Thank you for taking the time to comment! :D
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