Title: Calling a Truce: The Concert
Authors: destinyawakened and MJLS
Rating: PG-13
words: 8200
Pairings/Characters: Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne, Pepper Potts, JARVIS, random Oc's that aren't important
Summary: Tony's convinced Bruce to come to Malibu for a Concert... things could go terribly wrong.
Warnings: spoilers for Batman Begins, The Dark
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Comments 5
You guys couldn't resist, could you? ;-)
Another great installment. I'm really enjoying this piece. I thought it was an interesting choice to have Tony be the one angsting for once. I had been certain that Bruce would use Tony getting hurt as an excuse to push him away, but you guys completely surprised me. I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter!
I think Bruce not pushing Tony away was a lapse of judgment (because, really, shouldn't he?) but it'll work for the best. :)
Looking forward to the next part,hon.
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