My mind seems to like dreaming about people on my friends list because I dreamed about
jateshi again. This one thankfully wasn't as strange as
the last dream I had, though it was screwed up in its' own ways.
It started out in a building at a place called the University of Virginia or something. Apparently there is an actual University of Virginia, but that has no bearing on my dream. Anyway, in it there were two different buldings -- the blue building, where I started out at, and the red building. Both were pretty run down and looked like wrecks inside (the blue building) in particular, but that was where class was (I think it was an art class).
The teacher?
jateshi. She was blonde in this one too.
Anyway, the classroom is ridiculously large, rather like a loft. I had to walk up some stairs and such through the somewhat dilapidated building to get there. The room is sort of dark too, but there's desks there and everything. I sit down. Jateshi expresses frustration that her students are being slakcers and not doing jack shit, but then privately tells me that I'm one of the better students. o.O
Apparently we've been transferred to another classroom in the red building, though no reason is given. Jateshi tells us we need to take the train to the red building. Yes, a train. Jateshi says she had to do the same thing at one point, take a train between the two buildings. She drew a diagram on the board and everything on how to get there and when it left. The time it left was important because class ended at something like like 10:50 and the train left at 10:55. I remember saying to someone that it was all right because the teacher usually left us out a few minutes early so I could run down to the train station with the extra time. (Oddly enough, I've said something like that before -- explaining to my parents that my teacher can't hear the bell in the room we're in so she usually lets us go a few minutes before the bell actually rings).
I take the train and get to the red building, which looks just as bad as the blue one, except everything is red instead of blue. Paint is peeling off the walls, the stairs are worn, etc. After that I don't remember much, just getting to the loft-like classroom and Jateshi being frustrated that her students suck or something. o.O
And then I'm in a park with Jateshi, who has dyed her hair red for the time being. It's snowing and we walk around and talk and stuff.
Next scene or so, we're (the class) in our dorms, back in the blue building. It's daytime now. Jateshi has blonde hair again. Anyway, the dorms are the most fucked-up thing I've seen. I can't even describe them properly, so here is an image based on what I can remember:
Basically, if you rolled around in your sleep and fell through the hole, you were screwed.
The dream is quick after this; I wander around looking for the bathroom. I ask Jateshi, who points it out (she's blonde again) and then edge my way through the messed-up dorms. I come across the bathroom, which involves jumping across a ledge to get to (because of the location of the hole to get to the next level). It's also slightly higher-up than the dorm, meaning I'd have to jump, grasp the ledge, and heave myself up. I am fully prepared to do this until a girl I know in real life (she's in my class) bursts in, saying she has to use the bathroom and ges in there before I can. I then hear her comment on the size of the bathroom, how big it is. o.O
I had some other dreams, including a dream within a dream, but this was the one I remember most clearly. Strange. I have no idea where my mind made the connection Jateshi = teacher.