Since there's a demand, apparently, I wrote more. In this segment: comparison of the main characters, the primary villians, and the soldier teams. Sorry it's so long.
Goddess Power! vs. Celestial Souls
Main Characters: Callisto vs. Selene
The easiest method of comparison would be simply to compare profiles, but this is made difficult by the fact that profile templates for each story are completely different. Nevertheless, some aspects are similar and can be compared.
Name: Awaino Kodomo (surname first)
Meaning: "Child of Light"
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Birth Date: December 10
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: B
Name: Christine Anne Schumacher
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 10, 1987
The first changes are obvious; the blood type section is omitted (partly because it will not impact the story and partly because the belief of blood type and personality is not a Western thing) as is the zodiac (though, if it matters, I believe Christine is a Taurus). Christine is four years older than her 2002 counterpart and clearly not Japanese by any stretch of the imagination.
Eyes: In civilian form they are green, but they change to blue in senshi form. In civilian form she wears blue glasses.
Hair: Golden blonde, no bangs. Reaches just above her chin, and the top half of her hair is pulled away by a silver crescent moon clip at the back of her head.
Build: Slender, average build. Her legs appear very long.
Height: 5 feet, 0 inches
Skin Tone: Pale Caucasian
Hair: Blonde; reaches to her elbows and is curled at the ends. Usually looks rather limp and lifeless.
Eyes: Green
Build: Scrawny; she’s very thin, curveless, and repeatedly complains of her “bony wrists”. Also has small breasts, although she doesn’t complain about that as much.
Height: 5’ 1”
There is surprisingly little difference in looks, the only real difference being length (Christine’s is longer) and shade (Kodomo is more of a yellow/golden blonde, whereas Christine is a darter, ‘dirty’ blonde). Christine is an inch taller and somewhat lighter in build (I expect she would weigh around 90-100 lbs.; Kodomo I’m uncertain about) than her predecessor.
In Kodomo’s template, for some reason I made a distinction between personality in civilian form and personality in senshi form, as if there would be some sudden change. This has been abolished in Christine’s form and as such, only “General Personality” will be covered.
“Kodomo is the type of person who could care less about what the world thinks of her. She has a soft spot for children, except when they get bratty, and it seems her one ambition in life is to make friends with everyone. She's not the type who has opinions about everything, but she will have her say when she wants to. Kodomo can be very hyper and social whenever she's around people, but she can be just as content alone. Kodomo can, however, get annoyed or frustrated VERY easily, which she deals with by cursing under her breath, or punching something. She has a bad habit of getting involved in too many projects, then later losing interest and dropping them just as quickly, but she means well.”
(I recall reading somewhere that taking and dropping projects quickly is a Sagittarian trait; unsure of this is true. So basically she’s all nice until she gets angry and from there on she’s hot headed).
“To strangers, Christine seems polite, shy, and withdrawn. Once she overcomes her shyness she lets herself show - she is fond of cracking jokes, although sometimes she can cross the line into insensitive jokes. (She feels guilty for this afterwards). She is like her father in the fact that it doesn’t take much to hurt her feelings, though she (un)successfully tries to mask it. Around her friends she is cheerful, talkative, and generally a sweet girl, though not much of a leader. She knows when there is a time for her to be quiet and tries to be respectful of others. However, if one gets on her bad side (ex: irritates her, insults her/her family/friends), she will treat them very curtly, and has been known to hold grudges for short periods of time.”
(Rather similar, though she has less of a tendency to get ‘explosive angry’ [though she does have her moments] and is more likely to quietly hold grudges. A bit more emotional than Kodomo in that her emotions tend to be worn on her sleeve whether she wills it or not).
The family section is difficult to compare as they are in two formats; Kodomo’s simply mentions names while Christine’s goes into basic personalities and such. Nevertheless, both family formats are similar - both have a younger brother, though Christine’s brother is strangely protective whereas Kodomo’s is just a brat. Christine’s father died when she was fifteen (in the Canadian military, sent to Afghanistan, and died, though not stated how); Kodomo still has hers. Unique to Christine is a half-sister twenty years her senior, the product of some unwise decisions by Christine’s mother as a teen.
In Sailor form, their outfits are very similar - in fact, the only real differences are rather minor - Selene has two Sailor V-style shoulder plates on either side as well as similar gloves. Callisto has the standard shoulder rolls and doesn’t wear gloves at all. It is also implied that the top half of Selene’s uniform (the part that covers her chest) is actually lightweight armour (with the shirt containing the collar worn underneath), while Callisto’s just seems to be fabric/padding or something similar (did Takeuchi ever mention what that was?)
Callisto’s powers are said to be music, though her only attack is shown in the form of light; typically it appears in a laser-like form, though she may modify it in any which way she chooses. Going with the ‘music’ theme, it is implied that Kodomo has a particular attraction to music (ex: she enjoys music-related things, is likely have posters of singers in her room, etc.) though she is not trained in music. (Of course, she might have a decent singing voice, albeit untrained - something that would sound good doing karaoke, but not much else). Callisto’s weapon is a small, star-shaped, silver music box (think of the star locket that Usagi received in the first season; it looks like that) from which she fires her attack. Unsurprisingly, it is called the “Starlight Music Box”.
Selene’s powers, like Callisto’s, are derived from light; her only attack shoots forth a beam of bright light like a laser or flashlight. (And I’m aware the moon only reflects light). She can’t manipulate it yet, though she might eventually be able to fashion the beam into something sword-like. I’m unsure if the ‘music’ theme was carried over from Kodomo or if I’d been on a “Phantom of the Opera” kick at the time (perhaps a mix of both), but Christine also has an affinity for music. Unlike Kodomo, however, she is trained in it - she has been taking vocal lessons since the age of fourteen and primarily sings opera/operetta (that is, she doesn’t sound like a pop singer). Selene’s weapon is a fairly standard sceptre, around the length of a standard ruler. It is called the Royal Crescent Sceptre, implying a royal background. How Selene got a hold of it is anyone’s guess.
Villains: Queen Hera vs. General de Regina
For the purposes of this comparison, “General de Regina” refers to the General himself, as he was in life and as he is in the story; not Alexander Dessler).
As stated in the previous section (the past life), Hera was the sister of the unnamed queen who attempted to murder her niece and was given an embarrassing fate - rather than simply be executed, she was stripped of her titles and rank (Princess, presumably, though this is never stated) and sent into exile, leaving her humiliated (as the whole galaxy knows about her misdeeds). This might have driven her mad, for she arrives somewhere in Earth’s Arctic (I honestly can’t remember where her base was located, but I remember saying that the place was always freezing, leading me to believe it was in a cold area) and declares herself ‘Queen’ of the shadows, mentioned previously. Obviously her title has no legal merit to it, but she thinks of herself as a queen.
General de Regina, however, had a much happier life - he grew up with relatively little money, but around the age of twelve his father staged a coup d’etat and became the president of the planet. From there on life was good; he continued to serve in military school (and, if my knowledge is correct, would be considered an officer when he graduated?), though his father didn’t want him risking his life and forbid him from joining the army afterwards, much to his dismay.
He left when he was nineteen, starting afresh on Selene (which was no small distance away) and joining their army. His could be considered a success story - he left most everything behind and by the age of fifty he was in control of the army, having dinner with the monarchy, and generally being ridiculously prosperous. In fact, if he hadn’t started that war, he might have been able to live another hundred years (maybe more if Crescentia really took a liking to him) and retire to live a cushy life as the nobility. But as it was, he did start the war and (officially) lost everything - his life, his good reputation, his Selenian citizenship, etc. (Although Crescentia had officially made him a general, so strangely enough his title was not revoked). Even to this day Selenians are bitterly divided in opinions - the nobility is more likely to hate him, and the poorer people (peasants, some working class) are more likely to love him, as he fought for more rights and such for them. (Of course, as with everyone, you may get opposite opinions [ex: a very liberal, forward-thinking noble might like him while a peasant might hate him]; this is just a rule of thumb).
It is implied that Hera, much like Queen Beryl and Sailor Pluto, is the original Hera from 1000 years ago. No explanation is offered for this, though it isn’t unreasonable to assume that the queen was not able to strip her of the longevity that all people possessed, as this was a natural, expected phenomenon and not something bestowed upon her. Hera, whatever her age, also looks very young (about twenty or so).
As stated before, Gen. de Regina definitely died and was reincarnated in 1937 England as Alexander Dessler. As a young teen, Alexander’s memories as Gen. de Regina were forcefully brought back. However, as of Act Nine of the story, a shadow of the General (which is actually his memories taking a physical appearance, or so it’s said) has showed up and is doing Alexander’s work for him since he feels Alexander isn’t doing a good enough job. (Hey, you want something done right, do it yourself). It is said that the only reason this memory-ghost appeared was because money exchanged hands, but as the story is meant to be comedic, this explanation possibly falls flat. Whatever the case, he is there and is similar to how he was in life. Unlike Hera, he died at 77 and it shows - he might not look quite as old (fifties, sixties perhaps?) but he still certainly has aged.
Hera’s mission seems to be done purely for revenge reasons - she wishes to avenge the kingdom (and princess) that scorned her and ruined her dream. General de Regina’s mission is less ‘revenge’ and more ‘completing unfinished business’; if he is angry about anything, it is the fact that his two key goals - Princess Luna and the diamond - are eluding him, therefore hindering his attempts.
The Team
The GP Senshi are known collectively as the Goddess Senshi due to their names being derived from Greek gods. The CS soldiers may also be called Goddess Soldiers, as their names also derive from mythology, but there has been no official names given. ‘Celestial Soldiers’ is one name being thrown around, but to date the soldiers have not officially named themselves.
Although only Sailor Callisto made an appearance in the story, she was to eventually meet her other companions. Sailor Aeolus was the first, and the one best known to her, being a close friend of Kodomo’s. Her colours were pale blue and white and she controlled the power of wind. It was intended that she would develop an ego and try and take control of the team for herself (declare herself leader), with limited success. It mostly divided the team rather than unite them and caused no end of strain in their civilian lives.
The first soldier Christine discovers is Sailor Tethys, first encountered the Monday after her first battle. Tethys controls water and her colours are dark blue and blue-green. Although Tethys, unlike Aeolus, does not wish to control the team for herself, she is not warm to the idea of being led any anyone besides herself. She and Christine do not get along very well at the moment, despite her attempts to patch things up a little. She, along with Christine, does not like the team’s appointed leader, Sailor Helios.
Sailor Helios’ civilian identity, Megami, was introduced in the first episode but it would have been a little while before her Senshi form would be discovered. She was from New York though born in Japan (her father was transferred there by his company). At the time of the story she had just moved back to Japan. She is loud, playful, and generally does not adhere to Japanese standards of politeness. She enjoyed outdoor pursuits, but running in particular. As Sailor Helios, her power involved fire and sunlight; her colours were orange and red. It was often joked she enjoyed using her powers too much.
Appearance-wise, Helios changed the least, with slight changes being made to accommodate for CS’s change of locale. Instead of being from New York, the new Helios, Keiko, has remained within Tokyo. She is a pop singer managed by her maternal uncle, and is rather arrogant (but this is not immediately noticeable). She is still called Sailor Helios, her powers still involve fire/heat/the sun, and her colours are still orange and red (with the latter being more predominant).
Her hairstyle in senshi form was modified slightly - instead of two Usagi-style buns, her hair is done in two sloppy, somewhat conical buns, with gold wire wrapped around them. Helios has been declared leader of the Celestial soldiers, much to their dismay. She is the last soldier to be found and the one with the least experience. It doesn’t help that she thinks as leader she can get away with not fighting herself.
Sailor Persephone - Sakura - was to be discovered next. She was a quiet, shy girl who worked at her family’s flower shop. She attended a private school. As Persephone, her colours were green and yellow, and her powers came from spring - flowers in particular. She was very much a pacifist and was literally scared of hurting a monster in battle, forcing everyone to tell her to attack. She had a weapon, a “pink carnation with a sharp end that [she] can throw to temporarily halt the enemy”, a la Tuxedo Mask’s roses.
(I actually rather liked her. I mean, a quiet character is pretty common with me, but I thought she was cute. She looked sort of pretty too, in an anime sort of way. Of course, in hindsight the name ‘Persephone’ can be used for so much more than just springtime, but that’s something else…)
Sailor Demeter - Julia - was discovered not long after Tethys. Like her predecessor, she is a quiet, shy girl (though one that was desperately lonely and wanting friends). She didn’t attend private school; she went to a public school not far from Christine’s Catholic school. In the absence of friends, she has poured herself into schoolwork, so much so that she has become a perfectionist. Once a friend (Christine) appeared, she latched on to her. She is highly rational and initially couldn’t wrap her head around the story of her past life, having a meltdown at the lack of logic.
As Sailor Demeter, her powers involve agriculture and nature. Her colours are brown and cream. She is not a pacifist and certainly not afraid to use her attacks (but mostly she attacks as a form of self-preservation). She has two weapons, a sickle and a bag of little seed bombs. Both of these are worn around her waist on a belt.
Niji was the last soldier, and certainly the most interesting-looking one. Her hair was naturally white, but she got the genius idea of dividing her hair into sections, with each section being dyed a different colour of the rainbow, yet her bangs remained white. One can only imagine what her hair would look like braided. She enjoyed being outdoors, playing basketball especially. She found sitting still (as in class) difficult, as she could be out doing other things.
As Sailor Eos, her uniform was as bright as her hair, with her colours being all of them - her skirt and collar were a rainbow gradient, while her bows, shoes, etc. were white (though her bows were transparent). Her weapon was a sword, though she never used it. Apparently the hilt looked like it was “sharpened diamond” rather than metal. Her attack was literally coloured energy being sent at the enemy - it was in spherical form and so she served it like a volleyball.
Konstancja is certainly the most interesting of the current soldiers. She was not born on Earth - she was born on a planet farther away, living in a poor rural village. Like all people on that planet, her skin is a purplish shade (it’s sort of the Earth equivalent to having a bit of a tan; pale skin would be more blue in shade). And her hair is pure white. She is initially mistaken for some freakish albino by the villains. Unlike Niji, she has no difficulties sitting still if that is what’s required, though she is used to doing work, not play.
As Sailor Eos, her colours are hot pink and orange. General de Regina, being a ghost, was able to get to her and bring her to Earth. She is overwhelmed by the quality of life there and is deeply grateful to him for bringing her there. In short, she is very loyal to him, even denying herself Eos’ usual uniform in lieu of a militaristic one provided by him in order to publicly show her loyalty. She does have a weapon,
a revolver, though this was given to her by the General and is not part of the historic Eos’ ensemble. Her attack is virtually identical to Selene’s, except it is a burst of reddish light.
On another note, I went to the doctor's yesterday. It's all viral, as I suspected, so I just have to tough it out. I also have laryngitis, again (I know I had it around this time last year or the year before...odd). If it was bad yesterday, it's worse today. I've got practically no voice at all.