(X-posted to OD)
To: People that Know Me in Real Life
Re: My Current Employment
Just a not-so-friendly warning to the next person who asks me what I'm doing job-wise right now: Fuck you. Give me a funny look when I tell you I'm waitressing and delivering Domino's, and you're going to get decked.
I'm having issues of my own from time to time because I have a college degree and spend half of my shift folding fucking pizza boxes with high school dropouts with three kids apiece. I don't need you looking at me like I'm single-handedly reviving the 1960s counter-culture movement.
Give me some time and I can get a few more piercings and tattoos, make some weed connections and stock up on beer and shitty movies, if it'll make you feel better while you sit up in your houses that have a mortage that costs more than I make in a month and your 401k-coddled-asses covered in your health and dental insurance security blankets.
Despite what you think you see, I'm still tuned in, I haven't dropped out, and this is not a fucking forever thing. This is a thing called I was facing one more unemployment check (at best) and then no salary whatsoever, so I took a damn job so I can have money coming in (such as it is).
Have none of you ever heard of this? Have none of you considered that I might be able to get some different perspectives on people and I can use them in my future writings? And for that matter, if I don't ever WANT to go back into journalism, is it any of your damn business anyways?
And it's most of you people who don't tip for jack shit anyways!
Forgive me if I'm actually taking time to consider my options before leaping in. Forgive me if I'm NOT DOING MY LIFE ON YOUR FUCKING TIMELINE. I'm confused, I'm uncertain, and I don't need to feel like I'm being judged for what I do. I'm sick of you all.
Have a nice day.