hard day

Feb 10, 2010 21:19

Today was a funeral service for a co-worker who passed away Sunday. So it was a really hard day in the office. Pretty much the entire Business Office came to her service and there was hardly a dry eye in the place.  She was a wonderful person and we'll miss her very much ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

concise February 11 2010, 03:24:47 UTC


callmeserenity February 11 2010, 22:16:15 UTC
Thank you!


karel_ii February 11 2010, 04:07:24 UTC
What Concise said. Er, did.


callmeserenity February 11 2010, 22:16:25 UTC
lol. Thanks!


embers_log February 11 2010, 04:30:13 UTC
sweet dreams.... {{hugs}}


callmeserenity February 11 2010, 22:17:01 UTC
Hopefully tonight I can get a good night's sleep and stop having weird dreams about work and death and everything. Then I know I"ll feel better about life.

Your postcard really cheered me up, too! Thanks!


embers_log February 11 2010, 23:29:00 UTC
I'm glad you got the Valentine, but I totally should have thought about chocolates! lol


callmeserenity February 11 2010, 23:33:19 UTC
Well, I feel guilty because I was going to send out Valentines and then, with the break up and everything, I haven't been in the mood. :(


ancientgirl February 11 2010, 13:14:25 UTC
*hugs* It's never easy dealing with something like that. Take care of yourself right now.


callmeserenity February 11 2010, 22:15:11 UTC
Thanks. I'm trying, I really am.

The shipment of chocolate bars that just came in the mail will help, too, though. :)


citizen247 February 12 2010, 10:32:17 UTC
Being me, male and British, I'm rather lousy at the whole consolation and emotions generally thing. I'm pretty much contractually obligated to say Chin up, stiff upper whatsit, chocks away, take a bounder at jerry, while the old crate goes half-sized and bally ho into the drink what what.

That and find the whispered words "oh my" to be a frightful emotional outburst. "I know your leg's been cut off old boy, but must you make such a scene about it?"

Regardless: {pats head in a awkwardly British attempt at consolation}


callmeserenity February 13 2010, 04:22:50 UTC
Did you see the opening ceremonies of the winter olympics? Most countries came out waving flags and grinning and jumping around. England came out, and while they waved and smiled, it was more in a Royal Family proper sort of way.


citizen247 February 13 2010, 12:42:40 UTC
They smiled? Young people today, no self control whatsoever!


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