It would appear I've not updated here in some time. There are a few reasons for this:
1) I, like so many other people, am waiting for the LJ demise. Hence, I don't feel the need to post more things here.
2) There's actually been a lot going on. Between work and home life, I've been a little busy.
3) I'm just on an non-LJ kick lately. I really like to put some thought into my posts here, as opposed to using this as another Facebook/Twitter/Status Update, etc.
4) Weasels, Gonads, and Strife.
5) I'm trying to not be on the computer so much when I'm not at work. What can I say? Summer's almost here and I want to enjoy some outside time.
Bottom line is I'm alive and doing fine. I just felt like being a lurker for a while. If I come up with something to post here, I shall do so.