HAVE SHIT IN COMMON WITH MECheck out that other public entry if you're not sure. Otherwise, why are you here? Stalker.
DON'T PULL SOME RANDOM!ADD TOMFOOLERYYou're asking for the ban hammer, and it will hurt. But don't take it too personally. Pussy.
NO OVER-THE-TOP EXPLICIT GROSSNESSI don't browse my f-list for goatse. Frankly, I don't want to give a flying fap. Pervert.
NO SUGAR-COATED KAWAII NONSENSEI won't have any of that. I do realize art styles can differ, and anime's cool and all, but
sparkly moeblobs with GIANT eyes aren't. Freak.
SAVE YOUR DRAMA FOR THE GODDAMN LLAMAIt's perfectly okay to experience conflict in life and react to it, but I won't have anything derivative of trivial or superficial bullshit. Pansy.
Yeah, that's pretty much all there is to it. Have fun, kids!
extended info art credit)