Title: Eyes on You
Author: calorie-zero
Parts: 2/7
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha, Reita/Ruki
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, Drama, Humor
Warnings: the usual
Disclaimer: Unfortunately fiction. *tear*
Summary: Uruha has one last chance to catch Aoi's heart before graduation and Reita knows that it's not going to happen without a little bit of Ruki's magic touch to those
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Comments 39
Adding to memories ^-^
i hope the next parts are just as good.
thank you for reading~
and this "Have a good day at school, my child!" and "Mommy loves you!" they're just great here! and really goooood friends xD
i love it when guys are touchy touchy with each other. XD it's so funny (and sometimes, they turn out like...reituki).
thank you for reading~ *snuggles*
your Reita and Ruki made me giggle a lot *thumbs up*
Is looking forward to next chapter~
they're the comedic duo!
thank you for reading~
I think I might as well try some of these things out xDD
Oh gosh! I just love nerd-Uruha! ♥ He's just so adorable. Not to mention that Reita and Ruki are the bestest ever parents :P Love those two as well xDDD
Your #1 fan wants moar!!
*gives you cookies and milk as a bribe*
No alcohol for you or your muses
can't you imagine them all living together and reita and ruki fawning over uruha? XD
*attacks milk&cookies* that's what i've been craving all week (and have sadly been consuming non-stop). what? i demand my 3-litre bottle of sake or i won't write!
thank you for reading~
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