Severus W. Snape
b. 9 January, 1959 at 3:18 a.m., Leeds, England
Your sun sign is Capricorn. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Scorpio, and your Moon is in Capricorn.
Sun and Moon in Capricorn
Much about you is withdrawn and closed. You are a thoughtful individual who lives in self-imposed psychological isolation. Your life is conducted in an orderly, methodical fashion, based on fixed habits and routines. You are prudent in money matters and possess good business sense for acquiring material wealth. You have tremendous self- control and reserve, and are often too independent. In love as in all other areas of your life, you are ultra-cautious. There is usually a practical reason for initiating any relationship. However, once committed to someone, you are most dependable and trustworthy.
The key to a more harmonious existence lies in sharing your thoughts with the people you are close to.
Ascendant in Scorpio, Mars in the Seventh House
At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Scorpio was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mars is located in the seventh house.
Your life will be marked by your shrewd, secretive, obstinate, clever, and reserved disposition. You remain an enigma: with these traits, your life events could be either very tragic or very fortunate. To which category of Scorpio do you belong? There are two types, the extremely emotional, attracted by those pathological aspects of biological relationship, or the highly mystical, concerned with spirituality.
You are a person of extremes, very sensitive and desirous of attachment. There is some attraction to the occult or to psychic phenomena. You are active in the sense that there is a psychological struggle going on inside you between the positive and negative poles-those of affirming and satisfying or rejecting and repressing. You are very intense in your feelings and remain passionately attached to the person you love. Similarly, when you dislike someone you are very fixed in that feeling. However, there is room for optimism in that: whatever type of Scorpio you may happen to be, there exists a desire deep in your inner self for psychic regeneration.
At some point in your life, after the occurrence of a major dramatic event that will affect you deeply, the goal and entire expression of your ego may alter entirely. The intensity and profundity of your passion, however, will always be constant. You have a tendency to go into the shadows and secretly plan the course of action you will take, reluctant to let others know the exact nature of your mood or feelings. In your sexual affairs you are full of passion and strong attachment.
Exert more control over your passions; don't be so resentful of others. Use your strong will and character for favorable and beneficial things.
You have a strong inclination to be involved in medicine, perhaps even surgery. You are attracted by research and investigation in general.
The position of your ruler here denotes a life geared to the acquisition of successful business unions and intimate relationships. Although a little aggressive and impulsive at times, your dynamic assertiveness will bring you a good degree of success in your dealings with the non-egotistical environment.
Your partner may be too aggressive for your well being. A great deal of tact and diplomacy will be required in order to maintain the continuity of the relationship.
You may feel that your life is one of continuous struggle; fighting with the environment; involvement in wars and conflict. To these situations you will react with impatience and determination. It may be wise for you not to become too involved in circumstances so that you may see things from an objective viewpoint and act accordingly.
Try to observe the qualities of others that you lack so that you may better fulfill your spiritual duties.
Sun in the Second House
The Sun was found in the second house at the time of your birth. This position makes financial matters - and the act of physical conquest and possession - the central motivation of your existence.
It is virtually a necessity that you address yourself to gaining material security. The obligations of giving still exist for you as a real difficulty which you must learn to deal with.
You should enjoy your own wealth and also instruct yourself in the art of giving. You wish to be respected in financial matters and like to be regarded as a person who is self- sufficient.
There exists a great amount of faith in your abilities; you believe that no matter what happens, you will always endure financially. These influences of the Sun grant strong possibilities for success in life.
Your weaknesses in money include a tendency to be very demonstrative, a desire for money because of the power it wields. As you reach mature age, the doors of opportunity will open for you through persons highly placed in government. Don't miss the chance.
Moon in the Second House
The Moon was found in the second house at the time of your birth. Your business dealings and means of income will consist of a multiplicity of activities where you must relate to many people. The position is generally good.
Occupationally, you are going to be inclined to pursue money through popular activities.
In any case, expect a fortune which holds variation and fluctuation. Try to orient your monetary dealings to the general public for you possess the ability to succeed when in touch with the popular masses.
Saturn in the Second House
Saturn is found in the second house at the time of your birth. This is not a very favorable astrological circumstance for the general course of financial matters in your life.
It might be difficult to maintain a relatively fair position because of financial losses. You might also take financial matters too serious, and burden yourself with worries about them.
Your arduous and dedicated work might produce little for you financially, but it does help to strengthen your self-worth and your appreciation of other values. Therefore, do not be discouraged. Saturn often grants a fairly normal financial status at an older age if one exerts oneself in this direction.
If you make an effort to acquire greater enthusiasm in business, coupled with more liberality, life will change by the same degree.
Venus in the Third House
Venus was in the third house of your horoscope at the time of birth. You are keenly interested in the creative arts, and your thoughts and words are surrounded by a halo of beauty, taste, and proportion. Your mind actually feels the emotions connected with nature and the higher aspects of things human. Venus here augurs pleasant and kind relations with members of your family; the disposition of your intellect is congenial, youthful, and attractive.
The keys to a better integration of both your mental and emotional functions consist of deepening your personal relationships and of turning the mind inward so that you may be able to know the world better by means of true self-knowledge.
Mars Opposition Ascendant
Mars opposition the Ascendant shows that you attract people who threaten you. You do not really have that much self-confidence; your aggressive actions are an attempt to convince yourself that you do.
Meeting others in competition is how you learn to assert yourself constructively, with greater self-control and discipline. Naturally argumentative, you are not the easiest person to get along with. You must learn to be more compromising if you want peace and harmony. Making concessions shows strength of character, not weakness, and if you realize this, you will be respected for your maturity.
In personal relationships, your offensive tactics force you to raise your defenses when the going gets rough.
But an attitude of superiority often masks feelings of inferiority or inadequacy. You have a lot of creative energy you should express. Remember, it is what you do rather than what you say you can do that is important. Develop more self-control, or you will run into many troublesome situations that could be extremely difficult to resolve.