When does a ficlet become a fic? Is it down to length? Number of chapters? And when does a drabble become a ficlet? Is a 500-word story a drabble and a 501 word story a ficlet
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HAH!!! There you are! I'd just been musing with the devil as to where you'd gone. Thought maybe you'd been sent off on a sooper seekrit mission to go with the sooper seekrit job. Hope that's still going well - is it fun being a PA? Doi you have to sit on the boss' knee?
You've clearly given the classification thing some thought. I hadn't got beyond drabble/ficlet/fic/series.
Like the epic definition, btw...
:) You haven't done tentacles for a while. Are you all tentacled out?
I'm all behind, too. I blame that on Christmas choccies. Also need to catch up with the reading and commenting...
PA is is fine so far, the deep end isn't as deep as imagined - so far, but I'm not sitting on anyone's I think I'd break it! (the boss did buy my perfume for xmas... :S )
I thought about it because my site is getting cluttered.
I want to do tentacles and more Illyria, but I can think of a story.
I'm around all the time and I can't keep up. Poor S2C too - I have so much of his stuff bookmarked!
I do like it when my favourite authors do lists like this - it allows me to see what I've missed/forgotten and re-enjoy fic I've already read. Looking at your list it seems to me that my main big omission is that I still haven't read "Five Stages of Grief". Wonder if I can fit it in before the children get in from school. Hmmmm.
As you seem to have enjoyed spending your unexpected day off sorting out the utility room, perhaps you'd like to pay mine a visit and get it sorted too. The draining board seems to have disappeared underneath a pile of all sorts of crap that's been piling up since before Christmas. No wonder my husband thinks I spend all day playing on the interwebs. *g*
Hope you enjoy 'Five Stages'! If you manage it all in one sitting, you deserve a medal :)
Heh. I have the same problem with my husband! I don't often get days off at the moment, so the house in general is less than tidy, but the utility room was positively dangerous! The kids are under strict instructions to sit still and touch NOTHING so that when daddy comes home he might believe mummy has actually done some housework and has not been fantasizing about Spikey all day. Little does he know the two are not mutually exclusive *evil grin*
You may not have been here as much as you might have liked, but when you were, you usually came bearing magnificent fic -- what else can we do but forgive you your long absences?
I've often wondered about the definition of a ficlet, too. I always thought that drabbles were 100 words or less, and anything more was a ficlet. But there's probably a point where a ficlet turns into a short story, and a short story turns into a long one, and a long one turns into a novella and... All those words...
And I am so, so happy that you have a me day! You need one! I hope it was spectacular.
Comments 49
My personal defintion which I use to categorise my own stuff:
Drabble = 100 words, no more no less.
Ficlet = 1 to 1000 words
Short = 1000 to 5000 words
long = 5000 to 50000
epic = 50 words plus
>>Two tentacle-based drabbles. Now who might they have been for...?
I wouldn't know...
I still have a few to catch up on. I am so behind with everyone and I don't even have an excuse.
You've clearly given the classification thing some thought. I hadn't got beyond drabble/ficlet/fic/series.
Like the epic definition, btw...
:) You haven't done tentacles for a while. Are you all tentacled out?
I'm all behind, too. I blame that on Christmas choccies. Also need to catch up with the reading and commenting...
I thought about it because my site is getting cluttered.
I want to do tentacles and more Illyria, but I can think of a story.
I'm around all the time and I can't keep up. Poor S2C too - I have so much of his stuff bookmarked!
As you seem to have enjoyed spending your unexpected day off sorting out the utility room, perhaps you'd like to pay mine a visit and get it sorted too. The draining board seems to have disappeared underneath a pile of all sorts of crap that's been piling up since before Christmas. No wonder my husband thinks I spend all day playing on the interwebs. *g*
Heh. I have the same problem with my husband! I don't often get days off at the moment, so the house in general is less than tidy, but the utility room was positively dangerous! The kids are under strict instructions to sit still and touch NOTHING so that when daddy comes home he might believe mummy has actually done some housework and has not been fantasizing about Spikey all day. Little does he know the two are not mutually exclusive *evil grin*
I hope that you enjoyed your day off.
I've been meaning to ask, how's Levi doing?
And I am so, so happy that you have a me day! You need one! I hope it was spectacular.
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