Happy birthday to...
Hope it's a good one.
Very much wanted to present you with a suitable birthday fic but...
"There you are! Never around when I need you as usual..."
"Oh, well that’s hardly fair…"
"Don’t you dare go all sulky on me! Look I need you… and stop with the leer-and-eyebrow combination, that’s not what I mean. It’s Boggy’s birthday."
"Yeah? Good for her. Wish her whatever from me…"
"You’re not getting out of it that easily. C’mon I need a fic."
"A story. You know, for her birthday."
"You’re supposed to be workin’"
"And you’re supposed to be my inspiration. Don’t change the subject. C’mon - important day. Muse me up."
"What, just like that? Bloody women, think it’s so soddin’ easy for us, don’t you? Just gotta ask and we’re ready, is that it? Because I’ve got news for you. pet, sometimes we’re just -y’know, not in the mood. Need a bit of foreplay…"
"Oh, for heaven’s sake! OK - what if we watch
spikeylover’s best bits compilations? Might that work?"
"Is it all about me?"
"Might do…"
A while later…
“Damn. but I was bad…”
"Yeah, you were the biggest of the Big Bads."
"An’ hot. Did you mention hot?"
"You had a certain heat."
"Some of us just got it natural. Now other members of the evil undead I could mention…”
"Stop! I’m not getting into an Angel bashing session! C’mon - give me something to work with!"
"Hmm. With or without clothes?"
"Well, if I get a choice…"
"What is it with you lot? Always with the naked..."
"You have to ask?"
"Arogant, much?"
"Just tellin' it like it is, pet, just tellin' it like it is..."
"Humph. Well, how about telling me a plot?"
"How about this?"
"Wha... I can’t write that!"
"Don’t see why not… given what she writes…"
"Well, yeah, true, but… whoa!"
"Well, if y’don’t want that, I’ll just have to sit here in your subconscious an’ work on it for a while."
"How long a while?"
"Long as it takes…Catch you later. Maybe."
"I haven’t got ‘as long as it takes’! Spike? Spike? Oh, good grief! Stupid vampire."
Very much later…
“Umm… hello? I have some time now. Hello? Spike? Hello?.....”
So you see - I tried.
Anyway, hope you have a fabulous day with much merriment and drinking and all the best stuff!