Title: You Don't Know (How Young You Are)
Characters/Pairing: Cesc Fabregas/Victor Valdes
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I made this up.
Word Count: 3,183
Author's Note: I wish more of this pairing existed... here's my attempt at promoting them. University AU; although Victor & Cesc are strangers when they become roommates, things soon start to evolve
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Comments 9
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i love how cruel Vic can be and how accepting Cesc is and all the gorgeous angst, that you wrote to well. i love how hard it is for Vic to accept this relationship and his feelings for Cesc and how carefree Cesc only seems to be about it.
on facevalue, it seems Cesc only loves to fuck and Vic is the serious one. perhaps i'm reading too much, but at times i felt it's the other way around. and that Vic is the shallow one.
i also ADORE the entrapment Vic feels, when in reality, he is just afraid.
superb piece and my god, the title is inspired or what! [and it was your idea to begin with, i shouldn't get credited lol]
and yes, the writing is so intense, so tragic, idk. very fitting to the pairing. i love this pairing now.
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