I have been following his Twitter. He posted this today - "Bout to ride for 4 hours in the rain. Yes, it finally rained in austin. . . about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry"
Why do I get the feeling that his 4 hour ride is like my 2 hour ride. Ya know, the kind that's barely worth leaving the house for because it's so short??
Alma is 1 lb 12 oz. Teeny Tiger is 1 lb 6 oz. They are both squeaks who love to be around humans but don't really like to be held. Teeny is still so teeny that he gets tired and falls asleep standing up.
one very tiny yellow/brown tabby boy, only about 4 wks old, and a fluffy black girl about 6 wks. they seem to be getting along fine for having just met each other.