I called my granfather "Papa-abuelo"
I didnt live with my mom from the age of 4 to age of 9---I took a while to get over that and in some ways, it's still with me
I had a brother who passed away long before my sister and I were born
I kept a journal for a while but then I became lazy ... I should go back to it.
I cry at least once a week
I love me when I was younger and dont like me so much right now
Fear: death and loneliness
I have trouble opening up to people
My accent really bothers me at times
Steph and I used to have photo shoots LOL
FIrst kiss: Jason- age 14
I had a crush on Daniel since 5th grade all the way to 8th...well possibly 9th
Never imagined myself dating a black guy
Middle name Teresa.
According to my family I'm a younger version of my aunt Maruja (Raquel) --aburrida y canilluda LOL
I want a reality tv show of me! I mean I seem to like to throw my business out there anyways! LOL
I've had uhm.. 4 boyfriends --one of them lasted a week and not even a kiss JUAN---"sinchampu" LOL
I'm really la concentida of both my mom and dad. IT kinda sucks because it feels like they're expect more from me.. and right now , i'm a mess.
I'm a libra
When {if} I get married I'm keeping my name!
6 months and 4 days till my 21st bday! (I think)
- Chateau Deville
- Not finishing what I started (P-world)
- My ex
- fuckin' up
Not sure what caused me to write this ...