What is Camelot's Closet?
A Merlin and Arthur fanfiction exchange. The comm features the characters Merlin Emrys and Arthur Pendragon from the BBC series Merlin in gen, pre-slash and slash forms. The other characters can, of course, feature, but Merlin and Arthur should be the main focus.
What is a fanfiction exchange?
Think of a secret santa style fest, where everyone is assigned someone to make a gift for, and everyone receives one from someone else. The great thing is that everyone who submits a prompt gets a gift! It does also mean that if you submit a prompt, you will need to write one in return.
What's with the theme for each round?
Each round will be based around a celtic holiday of some form. We're on Round #2 at the moment, so the theme is
Samhain. The theme has to feature in the fic at some point.
What does my fic have to include?
The fic must be at least 1000 words long. 1000 words are completely reasonable for a month and a half, right? On top of that, you should, of course, try and fit in as much of your giftee's prompt as possible. There should be info headers above the fic too, such as the following:
Title:Author: (will be edited out when originally posted)
Rating:Warnings:Disclaimer:Summary/prompt: When and how do I get my assignment?
Everyone will receive an email telling them who they're going to be writing for on or before the 5th September. Please remember to check your junk/spam mail in case it ends up there.
When is my fic due and how to I submit it?
The fics are due 15th October, by midnight Central standard time, which is GMT-6. You submit it by sending it as an attachment to an email to nyargles@gmail.com. All headers and html coding such as italics of bolding must be included in the body of the fic. I won't be doing that for you. Document types accepted are flexible, but I would recommend .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt
The deadline is approaching and I haven't finished!
Don't panic! Just email or PM me and let me know if you desperately need more time.
What happens if I fail to hand my fic in?
It depends on the circumstance. We all know that RL comes first, and can't be helped sometimes. If you drop out and disappear and aren't in touch, most likely you will be banned from participating in the next round.
I have a question not mentioned here!
Comment below, email me on nyargles[@]gmail[.]com or PM
nyargles and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!