Sign up for Round #2!

Aug 03, 2010 00:55

This post has the sign-up form; check that you are all right with agreeing to the rules before you sign up. Please reply to this entry with the form and try to fill it out as much as possible and be specific to help your writer if you can! There is a small change to Round #1's form to allow maximum flexibility. Everyone may submit two prompts for your assigned writer to choose from. I'm putting this in so that if you do have a massive block and can't work out one idea, there is an alternative at least.

The general theme for this round is Samhain, the festival celebrating the end of harvest and the oncoming of winter. Please remember to try and incorporate the general theme into the fic (and even your request)!

Are you over 18?: (If you aren't, you can't write or receive NC-17 fiction, sorry! D:

Highest/Preferred rating:
Prompt #1: (time era/AU, particular lines of dialogue, special kinks)
Prompt #2/Alternative prompt: (time era/AU, particular lines of dialogue, special kinks)

Highest/Preferred rating:
Refuse to write:

Anything else you think your writer or I need to know:

As a reminder:
Sign-ups: Until 1st Sept 2010
Assignments sent: 5th Sept 2010
Fics due: 15th October
Posting starts: 31st October (Samhain!)

And again, please post your form as a reply to this post, and any questions can be emailed to

round #2, mod post

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